Chapter Fifteen | Ba Sing Se

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The walk to the opening to the middle ring was long, and Kumo's feet were sore from walking on the dry, rocky roads. She was too used to nature, or at least the cushioning of sand, and all the noise and dust was beginning to get on her nerves. She stared up at the gate, glancing over her shoulder one last time before striding over to the small, box office at the side. Looking at her with disdain, the woman rose an eyebrow.

"I'd like access to the Middle Ring," she stated coolly, pulling out her work permit, "I have a job with Professor Liu at the University."

Though the woman looked like she wanted to reject her, a slip of paper with a red stamp was passed over the counter to her. Her access was granted. Kumo turned from the desk and made her way through the grand arch and into the wealthier Middle Ring. The streets were paved and clean, and the people were notably better off. Here she did stand out. There were no refugees so the warm colour scheme of her clothes and paleness of her hair warranted a few side looks from the people around her. If the Dai Li hadn't seen her as a target of interest before, they sure were going to now.

That didn't scare her now. The feelings of anxiety and fear that once gripped her when faced with danger didn't hold power over her in the same way. She was different now: she had changed. Before she had met Zuko, or gotten wrapped up in the war against the Fire Nation, she had been comfortable- secure in her own space in the South Pole- and even with Zuko she had been protected. But now things were different. She was stronger now, smarter; she knew her strengths. Kumo glanced around to the shops, as she drew nearer to the Unversity the general area grew in expense. She wondered whether people knew of the bubble they were in. A lot of people in Ba Sing Se were conscious of the Dai Li's overbearing presence, but they seemed to be content with it. Did they realise the war was getting closer?

Kumo broke out of her thoughts as the shadow of the University hit her head, and her shoulders and faced were bathed in coolness. Breathing a sigh of relief, she thanked the sun for setting in the west, and stepped onto the campus. It was an impressive building with intricate architecture that was traditional in the Earth Kingdom, she noted they had a thing for arches. She supposed they had no problem bending their own buildings, perhaps that was why the kingdom had grown to such size. University students donned in long green robes flitted across the courtyard, some too immersed in scrolls to bare her a second glance, but the majority did. Ba Sing Se University was famous, so she supposed it was a bit strange for someone of her calibre- someone who was clearly a fighter- to be roaming the campus. Making her way to the main reception, Kumo basked in the cooler interior of the building, and the reduced chatter.

"Excuse me," the receptionist, who was donned in the traditional Ba Sing Se robes, raised her head and cocked her eyebrow in confusion, "I'm looking for Professor Liu."

"And? Have you arranged a meeting with him? Are you a student here?" Kumo blinked slowly, taken aback by the sharp tone of her voice. Did all of those in the Middle Ring sound like that? Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out her workers' permit.

"I'm starting today as Professor Liu's assistant, my name is Kumo." The woman pursed her lips, snatching the permit from Kumo's hand to really examine it, before giving Kumo a once over. "If you have any doubt, you can call Professor Liu here."

Shaking her head, the woman gave the permit back and lowered her head to jot down some directions on a scrap of paper. She tossed that to Kumo, who barely had the chance to catch it as she was busy putting the permit back into her pocket.

"He's in the Zoology department, take the next left, then the second right, and the third left, and he should be in the staff office." Kumo receited the directions in her head, and nodded to the woman as thanks as she took the left corridor that branched off from the reception. She noted a few lecture halls and assumed a couple seminars were taking place in some of the large rooms as she took a glance through the windows. As she took the second right, Kumo couldn't help but notice a steadily decreasing number of students and people in the corridors. She supposed it was because Zoology wasn't a subject that the University particularly specialised in, but it was well known those in the palace had an intrigue in exotic animals. Maybe that's why a fewer number had taken it? Kumo mulled it over in her head and shortly rolled her eyes at herself. She knew why. The Earth King and the head of the Dai Li frequently sent those in the department out to bring back exotic animals- of course, they would all be out doing actual research and retrieving animals. She definitely could not bring Kaze here, but perhaps if the Dai Li had taken an interest in her, it was safer to keep Kaze with her? Kumo paused and this time a flash of worry did spark through her chest.

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