Chapter Three | Separation.

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I hummed lowly as we sat on the side of the street, stroking Kaze's head as he rested wearily in the sun. It was too warm to be doing this, but more people were around. Iroh held a hat out incase any people felt sympathy towards us, we'd only received a few coins so far and Zuko began to get restless. 

"This is humiliating, we're royalty! People should be giving us what we want!" Zuko snarled, folding his arms across his chest. I scowled at him before hitting his shoulder roughly.

"Don't be so spoilt, Zuko, you aren't royalty anymore." I warned, leaning back against the wall and further into the shade.

"Spare change for a hungry old man." Iroh cried to a pretty girl passing us by. She tossed a coin in before wandering off. "The coin is appreciated, but not as much as your smile."

I sighed, pulling my hood back, it still hid my hair but I could finally feel the sun on my face. The town was quiet and quite wealthy, that didn't change their attitude of course.

"How about some entertainment, in exchange for some coin." A man grinned as he stood in front of us. He glance to me and winked, I rolled my eyes in disgust, snapping my fan out to fan myself and cover my face. 

"We're travellers not performers." Zuko spat, glaring at the man. Iroh however had different plans as he stood up and began to sing. Iroh was good, until the man drew his swords, demanding that he dance more. Iroh did and the man tossed us a gold coin.

"Theres nothing like a fat man dancing for his dinner." The man grinned. "But if you wanted earn more coin, I'm sure your girl would bring in a few coins."

I shot up, growling at the man, Zuko's fist clenched.

"Oh, I'd bring in a few coins alright, and maybe your head on a plate." I snarled, walking right up to the man, a furious glare on my face. He scowled at me before wandering off. "I will not be treated like some concubine."

I sat down again, fuming silently. 


I glanced up as Zuko returned, bundles of food with. He set it down in front of us before starting to walk off.

"Where did you get these?" Iroh asked, before taking a bite out of some pastry.

"Does it matter?" Zuko snapped, wandering off into the shrubbery. I eyed the stolen goods with distaste, before getting up to follow Zuko.

He sat on a rock in deep thought.

"Zuko, you shouldn't steal." I sighed, sitting beside him. He rolled his eyes.

"But we need to eat." He growled.

"So do other people." I countered, trying to keep my temper. "Just because you were raised differently doesn't mean your well being is more important than anyone else."

"I'm royalty! I can do what I want!" He snarled, jumping up from the rock. I growled under my breath.

"You're not royalty anymore!" I said, my eye twitched but I kept my tone passive. He growled at me, darting over to a tree stump. He grabbed his mask from behind it and was about to put it on. I grabbed his wrist. "You're going to steal again?"

"I have no choice!" He snapped. I hissed, tightening my grip on his wrist.

"Yes you do, we could survive easily, but no, the pampered prince can't stand not living in the lap of luxury." I spat, his glare intensified.

"Let go." He growled, his hands clenched into fists. I kept my grip strong, but Zuko grabbed my other wrist, pulling my hands behind my back, in the process I let go of his wrist. I winced in pain as he pulled my arms.

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