Chapter Thirteen | The Ferry

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| A/N: sorry, this chapter is kind of rushed, but I wanted to get it out before I go for my induction day at a new school alllll the way across the country.

I'm really trying to improve my drawing skills recently, so I bought some cool, expensive crayons, and Kumo was the first thing I drew. The colours are kind of off, and it's super unfinished, badly shaded and badly proportioned, but I wanted to share it anyway. The yellow in her hair was just marking out the head shape, but I didn't get time to rub it out. |

"I think we should go our separate ways." Kumo sighed, turning to face Aang and his group, who were still recovering from the few days they'd spent in the desert. "From now on, my quest is over, and a life in Ba Sing Se is waiting for me."

"But-" Toph tried to say something, but shut her mouth quickly.

"We'll meet again in Ba Sing Se, but I have to retrieve my companion from a bay up in the North West." Kumo shrugged, pulling her hood over her head as she packed her own bag. The group had chosen a a spot deep in a valley to camp out the night before as they discussed their next options. Unclipping her mask from her belt, she placed it on her face, not giving the others time to talk. "I'll see you in Ba Sing Se, and help you save the world, I guess."

Toph stepped forward, reaching out but felt the girl leap away into the undergrowth before she could. A frown was etched into her face as she watched her friend grow darker as she was swallowed up by the forest.

"Well, that was quick..." Sokka muttered, rubbing his head.

Kumo leapt through the thick forests, humming slightly as she ducked under a low-hanging branch. During her time in The Library, she had entered the spirit world, aided by Wan Shi Tong, to contact Lang-Yao, who was sending Kaze on to meet her at Full Moon Bay, along with some passports crafted by a water nomad.

Although she had worried about Kaze not being accepted at first, Wan Shi Tong had crafted her a permit, in exchange for some scrolls she'd picked up in Ba Sing Se, of course. It was strange to say that her life's mission was coming to an end, but it was. She'd found her family, where she belonged, and now what else did she have to do? Perhaps she could help in the war, or start a family in Ba Sing Se, if she was lucky, maybe she'd find Zuko and Iroh once more.

She craved to be at Zuko's side, but for her sake, and his, they were better apart. She just couldn't keep up with him; it was tiring, draining even.

The trip took no longer than a day, and sure enough as she approached the cave opening down to the bay, a hulking white form sat waiting for her- much to the horror of the guards.

(A/N): As a lot of people have been asking, a polar dog, and a polar bear dog are different. Polar dogs are like very large alaskan malamutes (large enough to ride) that look slightly like tigers. They appear in the first episode among Southern Water Tribe children.

Catching her scent in the wind, Kaze lifted his head, before darted over to greet his master, rubbing his large head against her stomach.

"Hello there, mate." Kumo sighed affectionately, a smile pulling at her masked features. Kaze let out an appreciative growl.

Kumo rubbed his ears, lowering herself to kiss his head before tapping her right leg with her hand. He moved to walk beside her as she approached the Earth Kingdom guards.

"I'm here to get to Ba Sing Se," she stated, pulling a passport out of Kaze's saddle, tilting her mask up so they could see her face. Obliging, they led her down into a dark tunnel, before opening a door into the Full Moon Bay. It was gigantic, bigger than the library with thousands, if not millions, of people taking refuge in the bay.

Patting Kaze, she approached the nearest line, pulling his permit and both their passports out of his saddle. She'd have to make an offering later. The spirits had done so much for her. Tightening her grip on Kaze, she pulled him closer as they moved forward in line. She didn't want something to happen to him so soon after she'd found him again, though she knew if anything did, he'd be fine.

"We'll be in Ba Sing Se soon, buddy, then no more moving around." Kaze met her eye before turning to glance around the port. Kumo ignored those that muttered around her and stared her down. The clothes she was wearing weren't exactly Earth Kingdom clothes: she hoped no one confused them as Fire Nation clothes. They were originally her mothers, who was an air nomad who couldn't airbend, and so spent her time cleaning temples. The head of the line came closer and as she reached the ticket desk, the man there rose an eyebrow at her and then Kaze.

"Animals aren't-"

"I have a permit for him, and passports." Kumo sighed, handing over the paperwork and praying to God whatever forgery Lang-Yao had comitted was actually good enough. The ticketmaster hummed, before handing them back to her, taking one last look at Kaze.

"They're approved, go on ahead." He sighed, handing over two tickets and rolling his eyes as he called the next person. Kumo strode out into the sun and up onto the decks of one of the ferries, feeling a sense of relief. The boat was crowded with refugees and merchants, all nervously flitting about on deck. Deciding Kaze stood out too much, Kumo ducked down below deck, Kaze's gargantuan paws making soft thuds on the wood.

It was dim, and the air was heavy and stale. A few people were already there, huddled between blankets or sitting isolated. A hush hung above them, with the only exception of the gentle lapping of waves against the boat

"Quiet, good." Kumo murmured, adjusting her mask as she draped a long, brown sheet of fabric over Kaze, hiding his bright fur before slumping down in one of the far corners, away from everyone else. The polar dog followed, leaning into her side.

A few hours passed and the lower deck was becoming full; low chatter filled the enclosed space, resonating off the walls. Kaze's stomach rumbled loudly, causing Kumo to sigh and push herself up onto her feet.

"They'll still be giving out food if we're lucky." Padding up the steps, the two were quiet and cautious not to wake people, not quite ready yet for a confrontation. They crossed the upper deck with ease, the brown, sack-like material hid Kaze's white fur, preventing it from glowing ethereally in the moonlight. Kumo had got away with getting Kaze on at the ticket place, but she wasn't sure if her forged documents would hold up.

The portion of food they received was small and measly, almost rotting if you asked Kumo, but it was food nonetheless. However, despite of Kumo's growling stomach, she tossed it to Kaze, who ate it gingerly knowing there was no way to fight his companion on this.

The two of them skulked around the deck, coming to a stop next to a pillar, away from the lit fires. While Kumo slumped down to get some sleep, Kaze had other ideas, and he stood alert before wandering off to the various groups.

"Don't complain when you're told off for scavenging, you damn mutt." Kumo grumbled, loosening the strings of her mask ever so slightly. Basking in the cool darkness, she settled, finally feeling at rest as she imagined a new life in Ba Sing Se.

However, Kaze was not scavenging. He could smell one group in particular, and he made his way over to the dim fire quietly, and as he got closer, the flickering flames began to illuminate his powder blue eyes.

"Ah, would you look at that, it's Kaze," Iroh patted the space next to him as he stared out into the inky abyss, not startled as Kaze's large face appeared, "I didn't know you were heading to Ba Sing Se."

Zuko sat shocked, not entirely sure what to make of the situation as the giant beast came to rest by Iroh, causing Smellerbee to cringe away from the unfamiliar animal while LongShot stared at it wordlessly.

"That means..." Zuko muttered, staring wide-eyed at the creature. "Kumo's here."

He didn't wait for Jet to return, pushing himself up and charging off into the darkness to find Kumo.

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