Oh Shift! - 16

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You know that time old saying, "I wish I could have been a fly on the wall for..." 

Well with shifting, that saying has a whole new meaning.

Also, people really really really hate flies. Believe me.

In my opinion, if I wanted to spy on someone I would pick a much smaller and inconspicuous creature. If your in a room that is completely silent, a buzzing fly sounds like a chainsaw and a jackhammer had a baby. 

Have you ever tried sleeping with a fly in the room? I've never wanted to kill a bug more.

Remember the bug thing, it'll be important later. Now back to where we left off. . .

. . . . .

After what seemed to be the longest, quiet, and most peaceful night of sleep ever, I awoke to morning birdsongs. Golden rays of early morning sunlight flooded through the cracks in the blinds in Hale's room.

Speaking of whom, Hale was no where to be found.

With a yawn and a stretch, I lifted myself to the side of the huge bed.

Moment of truth time. Time to test that pesky ankle.

There had never been any other instances where I was unable to shift. I wore other faces and forms, that being in my own skin for so long never felt so foreign. I should count myself lucky that I was never seriously injured during my childhood travels and wanderings.

I slowly dropped my feet towards the hardwood floor, my good ankle first, and then the injured one.

Success! The pain was drastically less, and I could support all my weight. 

After an internal happy dance, I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. A quick shower and teeth brushing was just what I needed. After changing into a fresh t-shirt and shorts, I made my way downstairs where the smell of bacon, eggs, and waffles tempted my nose.

Ethan sat at the table with a steaming cup of coffee and a newspaper, while Hale worked diligently over the bacon. 

"Good morning Destiny. I hope you don't mind the carbs ," Ethan said as he traded his newspaper for his mug. "We wolves burn more calories a day just by breathing than most of us can ingest."

"I don't mind at all," I said as my nose happily took in all the smells. "I'll have to increase my protein intake if I want to keep up with all of you boys!"

"How do you like your coffee, Destiny?" Hale asked as he filled a mug full of the heavenly brew.

"Black with a little bit of honey."

He handed me the cup and gave me a light kiss on the forehead. My heart leapt in my chest.

"Enough honey for you?" he asked.

"Not even close," I said with a wink.

"Eh-hem" Mick said as he entered the room. "If the cootie-fest is over I would like to eat my breakfast now. Dezzy don't you dare take all the bacon."

"Don't challenge me Mickey. Is it smart to take on a shape shifter who can make her stomach much bigger than yours?" I said with a sly smirk.

"Really? Game on! Hale make more bacon!"

Ethan got up and made his plate and said, "Come on guys, lets sit and enjoy the morning. Lets start our first family breakfast off right."

. . . . .

The rest of the day was surprisingly quiet, and dare I say enjoyable.

I spent most of my day resting and icing my ankle. I could feel my body working to rid itself of the injury. The swelling had reduced drastically, and was fading from bruised purple to my normal skin color. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2018 ⏰

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