Pancakes and Pills

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After sleeping over 12 hours, they all woke up and felt a headache creeping in. Dehydration sucked, especially when it was so common in their group.

Most of them spent the rest of the day sleeping or playing old games they made themselves like Doodle where they drew parts of objects and the rest had to figure out what they had drawn.

Speed continued playing with Sweet while Fiend went to her hammock after her back began hurting too badly and Paranoia was accusing of doctoring the cards in the game they had played previously. Fiend was suffering a genetic back condition and no painkillers could help, only rest and relaxing could help the pain pass. She spent two thirds of the day sleeping and the rest on her Nintendo on Pokémon-Black and White edition.

Paranoia slept a lot also and went to the grey market with Sweet after a lunch of pancakes and tinned peaches which Speed 'secretly' gave to Bullet.

The market itself wasn't this futuristic or abandoned place which gave off danger and backstreet selling vibes.

It was a vibrant, neon-lit with flashy but warm lights, plain clothes, variety of hair colors and people from all walks of life coming to sell stuff the other markets refused too which was a bit odd since none of the objects on sale were too dangerous or scandalous.

The true reason it wasn't mainstream because it was clearly in league with other Killjoys and their squadrons, often sporting a banner over the archway of the entrace which exclaimed "keep your boots tight, your gun close and die with your mask on if yous got to."

'So inspirational..Its not like they can rip your mask off and analyse your face to find you really are on a scanner while running your fingerprints through the database.'

They walked there, their footsteps muffled and they had their bandannas/sunglasses in case Citade-L or some Dracs had infiltrated into the market, knowing their tendency to walk into a whole mess of danget.

.Paranoia directed them to a short and smiling woman who looked like she was the definition of jovial rather than a well known arms dealer.

"Sun Strike, it's nice to meet you.."

They shook hands and then Sun shook Sweets before unexpectedly hugged her.

"This must be..Sweet Lemon. I've met everyone but you."

"It's nice to meet you,umm..Sun Strike."

Sweet Lemon said,her eyes flicking back to Paranoia, looking for an explanation on why she never knew of this lady.
Paranoia shrugged and started chewing an almost piece of obviously modified strawberry tasting bubble gum which she had stowed in her pocket.

"You too,Sweet...
Come on,I want to show you something I found a week ago when I went up to see some relatives up there."

She beckoned them over to her table and pulled out a funky looking ray gun which had slightly melted from years in the Sun.

"I thought it was an ordinary one, the ones you can buy for easy money..But."

She pressed on the trigger and instead of firing a ray, it opened up to reveal a roll of photographs bundled together.

"I believe they belong to you.Here, take this for free."

Sweet thanked her and they went slowly from the Grey Market.Paranoia was obviously limping but refused help, saying it was only an old pain. Sweet sighed, used to her cousins stubbornness.

"You know..You won't ever be able to walk after everything."

They both knew what everything meant, it meant something  no-one wanted to talk about.It was the elephant in the room and it was being larger every time they refused to speak about it.

"I know.."

There was an awkward silence and then they heard it.The sound of Fiend and Speed panicking, not the usual one that was for missing socks or forgetting to clean the dishes but the one that was in absolute danger or distress.

They rushed towards the bunker which had all lights and the stressing adolescents were outside with pale faces. Fiend's eyes were shiny with tears and Speed was venting her anger by slamming her foot against the solid concrete wall of the bunker before a nasty crack resonated and she whimpered before slumping against the wall.

"What happened? Speed what did you do to yourself?."

Sweet helped Speed up and started unlacing her shoes and pulling up the hem of her pants to see exactly what she had done to her leg/foot. It was starting to bruise and it was swollen. They could only wait til the swelling went down so they could see if it was broken, bruised or fractured.

Speed began to be nagged by the three until they realized why she got angry.

"Fiend what happened?.."

Fiend , which was slightly odd of her to do so, bear hugged everyone bar Speed who was regretting her decision to kick the wall.

"Silver..She's left."

Both looked gobsmacked, they had every right to.Their cousin just apparently left the group they had been in together since they were born without any reasoning or notes to explain her motive.

True, she tended to prefer solo and didn't trust the others as much as they hoped she did.

"What happened before she left?."

Sweet and Paranoia's detective side kicked in, immediately asking vital questions about the situation which had happened only a half an hour prior.

"There was a transmission on a seemingly dead radio station which she intercepted on the equipment in the car.She grabbed her bag, ray and said it would make everyone happier then just ran out the entrance..."

Fiend shuddered then sat down, nibbling on some dark chocolate to calm her down.

"At least she didn't take the car..At the same time, she's also in more danger. We can't go searching immediately because Citade-L is still hunting our asses after the (A)(R)(S)(E)(N)(I)(C) fiasco last week and almost everyone in the group is either exhausted or injured."

They sighed and went back inside, solemn and somber without their squadron member, friend and most of all, apart of the family.

Speed went to bed early after being bandaged and administrated a safe dose of morphine strong enough to allow her to sleep.

Fiend was mute for most the day only saying one worded sentences and Sweet had gone into her world of drawing to cope with the stress and tension by drawing and listening to her music with headphones on.

Paranoia did something she hadn't done or needed  in a long time, she took strong painkillers which made her numb and tired.
She fell asleep, listening to the faint sound of the rain which had seeped through the ground above and the rest from running down the concrete slope, creating a small stream.

It was collecting silt and dust, small rocks already littering the edge.

The rest were asleep, their dreams consistent with worry and loss in them.

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