Chapter 17

37 17 11

*be strong, Belles*

*Ivy P.O.V.*

Things didn't change much, actually it didn't change at all. I still have a purple eye, blue bruises on my jaw and forehead. I changed the bandages after I showered this morning. let me tell you something ; it freaking hurts so much. When I had to wash the hurting spots. I had to look like a snowman after covering my face with the strange cream the doctor wrote me. And why did I have to do all this shit? Because a freaking Cassandra and Casile. This is a first stage bullying and abuse. Trying to sue them won't do anything.

Life sucks


"Ivy? Are you ready?" Lily yelled from outside the bedroom door.

"Yeah, I am coming" I took two steps twards the door when I suddenly felt that I was nervous "you know, I'll just skip college today, really I want to take a walk in the park and-"

She didn't wait for me, she pushed the door open and entered. Her hands on her hips, frowning and raising her eyebrows.

"Are you telling me that you want to skip college to take a stroll in the park?"

"Well no..... I mean actually yeah. .....I mean definitely maybe"

"Are you afraid of what the other students might say?" She caught me off guard

"Yeah and also...." I held my left arm with my right hand looking down

"And also?" Her voice sounded concerned

"Cassandra and Casile" I blushed "people always bullied me back in my high school. But it didn't affect me at all, I learnt to accept myself and who I am, cause definitely time changes everything, whatever you look like; fat or thin, tall or short, pretty or not, it's all gonna change by time. What will last is my friends and people who loves me. But never did anyone turn the bullying into abuse. I am so terrified" I looked at her to see that she is staring at me with great concern

"Ivy, we will be beside you; me, Ben, Pablo and Jean. Even if some of us are not on each other good side, we will stand together when you need us. I promise I won't let them touch you. They might try to hit Ben or Pablo or even Jean. But they can't harm me, they know who is my father, he will destroy Cassandra's parents if she tried anything" she hugged me and it worked. I calmed down a bit

"Thank you so much Lily" I smiled at her

"There is no a 'thank you' between friends" she smiled back


We are currently where I was hit yesterday, waiting for my friends to come. On our way to the college, we created a group chat on WhatsApp and told them what happened and to come here.

Lily was sitting on the bench, pride and prejudice in her hands, the sunshine made her hair glitter and her skin shined. I quietly took her phone from beside her and took some photos of her, she raised her eyes to me and frown

"What are you doing?" She asked

I didn't reply, I just showed her the photos and she smiled,

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