The Realization

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When I woke and went to the kitchen, I wasn't expecting to see Per-Tide casually sitting on the table. Judging by the dark ring around his eyes, I'm guessing he hadn't slept at all the previous night. "Couldn't sleep?" He jumped, as if just noticing me. "Yeah, sorry Death Breath. Let's just say Chaos gave us a new mission." "Okay," I say calmly, "where at?" His irises are turning red, not a good sign. "Earth." Oh gods. "What happened this time?" "Gaea and Kronos areas rising together. Of course those wimpy Olympians can't do a THING without help. So tomorrow we are going back." I knew where he meant. After hearing what happened with Percy, I formed a new hatred for the gods except for a few of course. Now we have to help them? This wasn't going to end well. "Oh gods I'm so sorry, P-Tide." He winced at the 'P' "I'm going to go train some more. Can you please tell the others the mission?" "Of course." With that Tide walked out of the room.


Why was he about to call me Percy?


Why did I have to go to earth of all places?


Why do I even care?


I stopped asking myself questions and just kept punching and punching. Thankfully everyone (including Chaos) knew to leave me alone. I kept on 0n punching and punching. My knuckles were bleeding, I keep punching. I see black spots, I keep punching. I feel several of the bones in my hands break each time, I keep punching. Apparently Chaos knew because just then I heard Chaos 'Tide, I command you to stop.' I keep punching. 'Percy. Stop. I don't want you getting hurt.' I don't even care that he just said my old name. I keep punching. Suddenly a surge of drowsiness overcomes me, as I'm falling into darkness all I hear is Chaos screaming my old name. "Percy!" Then everything goes black.


I ran to Percy's side, screw code names.'Death Breath, Alpha get in here. Now.' Instantly two forms materialized in front of me. "Lord Chaos what may I- Woah what happened to Percy?" Death Breath asked. "I have no idea. Help me get him to the infirmary." With that we took him to the infirmary. Wen we set him down on the bed, Alpha looked at me with fire in his eyes. "Will you please tell us what happened to our best friend?" He said it shockingly calm. I told them what happened. How he was punching it and then he started going slower. "I told him to stop twice, he wouldn't listen. After the second time he just fell to the ground. I honestly have no idea what happened, and you are all supposed to go to earth tomorrow." "So if he's not awake by tomorrow will he be going?" I looked at the boy, god, commander, "I don't know if he'll go even IF he healed tomorrow." With that Percy Shot out the bed with a frightened look on his face. "We have to go. Now."



I was in a base, only there were monsters of all sorts, some that I had never even seen. "Is the attack ready?" Gaea. "Y-yes m-ma'am. Those idiots won't expect a thing." Gaea laughed, "It is now time for the first attack on those little idiotic god pawns. Why don't we kill the Chase girl first?" "fine by me, Miss." He walked around the corner and it was someone I would never expect, Ryder. That's when I woke up.

"We have to go. Now." I will admit that I was still a little shaken from my dream. Chaos looked at me worriedly "where Tide?" Thank the gods he didn't use my old name again. "Camp Half Blood, of course. Gaea and her troops are planning an attack, and Ryder is their spy." I was talking a mile a minute. I sprang up and got ready to go into battle. They just sat there looking at me like I'm crazy. "That was only a dream, Tide. Are you okay?" This was pissing me off. i slightly yelled at them "I AM FINE BUT CAMP HALF BLOOD WONT BE IF YOU DONT GET OFF YOUT LAZY BUTTS TO HELP ME." They all including Chaos looked shocked and. Little bit scared. "Tide even if they were planning an attack you're still too weak. I don't want to loose you." I looked at him as if he was mad, "would you rather lose me, one person, or a whole camp?" Why I cared so much I didn't know at the time. I just wished they wouldn't be so stupid. "I can check. if you are right, we will send your troops to help them." With that Chaos made a truly dramatic exit. I was impressed. A second later, he came in with a worried expression. "You are right indeed, Tide. Call your division and get ready to depart no less than 15 minutes." He again made a dramatic exit. I MM(mind messaged) the group. 'Get ready to depart for earth in no later than 15 minutes.' 'Okay,' they replied in unison. Then went to my room and with a flick of the rest all my essentials were packed. I grabbed the cloak that Chaos gave me for this mission. It was black with sea green trim. I remember Chaos telling me that these hoods can not be removed by anyone than yourself and someone you ant to remove it. I put the hood up and walked out.



I have to make the portal to Half Blood Hill because the others can't. "Tide can you come here for a second? I have something to tell you." I walk over to Chaos. 'Oh Styx, I have an idea to where this is going.' "Tide, in this mission, I need you to promise you'll be careful. Gaea might try to kidnap you for your powers," Chaos looked close to crying, "just PLEASE be on guard at all times." "I promise, father." I gave him a hug, I don't know if that's allowed or not, but I did it anyway. "Percy promise me another thing?" I wince at my old name, "of course," he smiled an evil smile "kick some Titan ass for me." With that I walked through the portal to see Camp Half Blood in chaos (AN no pun intended). 'This will be fun.' With one strike I brought down 50 monsters.

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