"Well this looks good," I say walking up to a turqoise coloured ride. We go through the zig-zag queue. We don't have to wait as no one else is here. Now we just have to choose where to sit. There are twenty motorbikes, paired up. I instantly go to one at the front and Harry sits next to me. Behind us Pillis, and then Flourne.

"Well I guess I am all alone and unloved then," Danny says taking a set on his own, "I can have fun without you anyway! I have my friend the bike!"

Suddenly the ride jerks forward. I lean down onto my handlebars as the ride slowly goes round the corner. It stalls as we are parallel to the entrance and I hear motorbike noises.

"You ready Junior?" Harry asks.

"Oh yeah," I reply.

Two seconds later the bikes shoot off at a ridiculous pace. My eyes are wide open and I can barely move. Tears fall from my eyes due to the wind but I can't help smiling. This is freaking epic.

The ride slows and we go back into the station. As we climb off I get the camera out of my bag.

"So we have just been on this ride here," I say making sure the ride is in the shot.

"It was ridiculously quick," James says walking next to me, "if you want speed then velocity is the ride for you."

"Nice advert James. So now I think we are going on this cat and mouse style ride at Dougies request. It doesn't look too bad to be honest."

The 7 of us queue up and again don't have to wait. Harry, Tom, James and Matt get in a brown mouse shaped cart, and I climb into the one behind. I sit at the front of the silver mouse on my own, with Danny and Dougie behind me.

The ride climbs slowly and at the top we are kept flat but are thrown left and right. It suddenly drops and goes over bumps before slowing to a stop.

We get off the ride, with Dougie looking like an overjoyed five year old. It was ok, it was a bit gentle but it was still good fun.

We find the other boys at the picture booth, laughing at one of the images. As I look closer I realise it is mine.

I am at the front, looking bored as anything, Dougie looks overly excited but it is Danny that makes the picture. The face of pure terror on the mans face is hilarious.

"Well that's one for the album," Tom says as the man behind the counter passes him an envelope.

We go on all sorts of roller coasters, my favourite being one where your legs hang out and you go upside down, very quickly. I sit on a bench with James and get the camera back out.

"Look at all these rides we have been on!" I say panning across the park, showing each roller coaster, "I liked that one best," I say pointing to the yellow ride.

"My favourite was that orange one," James says and I show the ride. A standard 4 man cart ride, but it took a vertical 360° turn.

"So currently we are having a bit of a rest while the others are on this thing," I say spinning the camera to the ride in front of us. It is a ridiculously tall lighthouse.

"We don't do drop rides," James says and I agree. I have realised I will go on absolutely any roller coaster you ask, but drop rides or them spinny swing one, nope not happening. I'll do pirates ships but thats about as far as I stretch.

WHen the boys get off the insane ride, (and lets just say Dougie did not look well), we decided to go over to the zoo part of the park. Let's just say the afternoon went something along the lines of this.

"Look at the penguins, they are so... Penguin-y!"

"Dougie seems to like the monkeys,"

"Ew! Llama spit in my face, LLAMA SPIT IN MY FACE!"

"Doug, stop stroking the monkeys,"

"Hey guys! Flamingo impression!"

"Dougie, it quite clearly says do not feed the monkeys,"

"Well I never thought I would see two parrots doing the dirty,"

"Where has Dougie gone?"

"Why are there chickens in a zoo?"


"Hey guys! Meerkat impression!"

"Dougie, I swear, if you steal a lizard you are out of the band."

Do what you will with that information. I personally, will put it on YouTube.

We go on our favourite rides again for the last time before exiting to the car park. Suddenly, I loose EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE BOYS. Oh snap. Where did they freaking go?

I look around to see them talking to some people so I make my way up to them. They are with 4 boys. They don't look that old, maybe about 18, 19 ish.

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming?" James asks.

"We didn't know you were!" one of the boys replies. He isn't that much taller than me, just a couple of inches and he has curley black hair.

Harry then actually remembers my existence. Well done father, well done.

"Oh guys, this is Melody, my daughter. Melody, this is Brad, Connor, Tristan and James. Better known as The Vamps." I smile at them.

"Oh so this is the famous Melody," Tristan says with a laugh.

"You know who I am?"

"Well you were on Graham Norton yesterday. And James was telling us about you anyway," James says. Wait two James'? This is going to get confusing. Ok so we have James, and then Vamps James. That works.

"Are you guys in the studio anytime soon?" Dougie asks.

"We are actually. In fact for two weeks straight starting tomorrow," Connor says.

"Well that reminds me! Carrie said she had a song and wondered if you boys may be interested in it. I said I would ask next time I saw you," Tom says.

"That would be great. Tell her to get down to the studio whenever she can in the next two weeks," Brad smiles.

"We better get going guys, traffic will be a nightmare," Danny says. Wait Danny saying something serious and adult like? I thought Matt was supposed to be the dad of us.

"Ok guys, see you later!" Vamps James says as we climb into the car.

I fall asleep on the way back, a mixture of overexcited ness and not getting much sleep last night. Ah well, these things happen.

I wake up ten minutes away from home.

"Someone was tired and snores," Matt laughs and I glare at him, to which he sticks his tongue out.

"Even if I did snore I am no where near as bad as you," I sass.

Suddenly Tom pipes up in an American accent, clapping his hands in rhythm.

"It's time. For another. Q. And slay."

"What?" I ask.

"Don't question it," Matt says and I nod.

I'm soon in the house and Izzy is already fast asleep in bed. Harry makes us hot chocolate.

"You have a good day Mel?"

"Yes it was awesome, thank you!" I say hugging him.

"Your welcome, now get to bed you look shattered!" I laugh as I make my way upstairs and to bed. I fall asleep practically instantly.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! It's not great but I felt I needed a more lighthearted one after the previous chapter.

Sadly, I don't know when I will be able to update in the next 2/3 weeks. I quite like having the schedule of uploading on a Monday, but I am on holiday and I don't know when I will have internet to upload. However, I am going to try and write a lot so I have plenty of updates for you all!

And finally, I just want to say congratulations to Danny and Georgia Jones ;)

See you later guys!

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