Chapter 21

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Hey Mel. How you doing? Well you can't exactly answer can you?

You might be wondering, if you can hear me, why I'm talking to you like this. It was something Emma told us about. Apparently talking to someone in a coma helps since you can voice your feelings and the person in a coma might hear you.

I emphasize might. I don't know if you can hear me or not.

Anyway I'd say that I would try it first. I think all the boys are going to do it and Dan. They are all upset about the whole situation.

Especially Harry. He hasn't slept at all and barely eats. It's been a week and he has only gone to the gym once. I think he's worried he will lose you. I don't blame him, I feel the same but I know how close the pair of you are.

We've been doing OK otherwise, I think at least. It was a bit of a shock when we got the call from the hospital.

Matt told us though, about what he thinks happened. Turned out he was on the other side of the road when it happened. We won't be 100% sure till you wake up and tell us, which I am confident will happen.

The police are investigating that group as well so that's good. I can't quite believe they wanted to take you away from us. But then again we wouldn't have you if they didn't want you.

What else did I want to tell you? Oh yes. The media have picked up on it, obviously. They have done a big story on it all, about how you had to run from danger and how your on the point of critical in a coma. But your not, your fine, at least that's what the doctor said. We just have to wait for you to wake up.

They don't know when, but they are confident you will.

Anyway, I better go and see Harry. Try and get him to eat something.

So yeah. Maybe I'll talk to you some other time, this was nice. I'll let the others try it first, but trust me I'll be back if you haven't woken up.

Stay safe Mel, you're gonna be OK.


Hey Mini Judd, how you doing?

Me? Well I'm OK, same old Doug I guess.

Ooh! You wont know! I got a new lizard! I named him Terry. I'm not sure why but I did consume a whole chocolate orange on the day of purchase so maybe there is a link there.

I miss you. It's making me sad. You're like a little sister to me.

Staying positive, that's what I'm trying to do. It's not going to help anything if I just wallow.

By the way, McBusted are releasing an album so that's good. It's almost done and I love it! I can't wait to go on tour again, and hopefully you'll be OK so you can come with us again.

There's a doctor looking at me weird so I better go. Hope you are better soon Mel. I need my buddy back.


Hey Mel. I hope you're OK. Thought I would come talk to you, because why not?

Thought you might want to know about Buzz. He's growing up so fast, I can barely keep up. But it is so adorable.

We're going to Disney in Paris for the weekend, hence why I'm talking to you now. Matt and Emma are coming with their kids as well, but we wish you were coming with Harry and Izzy. That would be great.

It's weird you not being around. It's too quiet. Harry is practically mute and even Dougie isn't as boisterous. I know, you're as shocked as me.

I just got a text from Danny. He says Buzz is crying and he can't calm him down. So, I better go see to him Mel. Get better, OK?

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