Chapter 15

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*Harry's POV*

"Are you sure Matt? I mean it's for you and Emma, not me and Izzy."

"Of course! Look, Ace isn't well and you know what Emma is like, not a chance she will leave him if he isn't 100%."

"But why me?" I question.

"Jesus Harry! Can you not just accept a present? You two deserve it, and also you are the only two that can go, Laura has a modelling job, Gi and Tom will not leave Buzz, and I really don't want to imagine Dougie and James sharing a room in a spa resort. Look, it's all expense paid, just go!"

"But it's this week, what about Mel? She is grounded after all," I say.

"I'll look after her, and I'll make sure she doesn't see the light of day. I can be ruthless when I want."

"If your 100% sure,"


"Ok fine,"

"I heard a wild Matt Willis," Melody laughs as she practically bounds down the stairs, engulfing him in a hug.

"Mel," I say, "would you like to go to Matt's house for a couple of days this week?"

"I'm grounded aren't I?"

"Well yes, it's just that Ace isn't very well and Matt and Emma were supposed to be going away so they have given us it instead," I ramble.

"Um ok," she beams.

"Mel, this ain't a holiday, your still going to be grounded, just grounded at my house instead," Matt says in a serious tone. I know I can trust him.

"Well anyway, we better go pack, see you later on Matt," I say before making my way upstairs.

I tell Izzy about it, and she looks extremely excited. 3 days in an all expense paid spa resort is definitely her idea of heaven. I pull a suitcase down from on top of the wardrobe and start filling it with a few shirts, trousers, swimming trunks and all the other essentials. In 30 minutes we are ready to go. I lift our suitcases into the taxi booked to take us there and Matt puts Mel's suitcase in the back of his car.

I hug Mel goodbye and instantly feel guilty about grounding her yesterday. Was I too harsh? I shake my head and snap out of it. Maybe it was harsh but I'm not used to this sort of thing. I hop into the back of the taxi with Izzy beside me and try to forget about it.

*Melody's POV*

"Let's go!" I shout when the taxi is out of sight. I hop into the passenger seat of Matt's car and he starts the engine.

"Ok then Junior, what is the first order of business?" Matt asks me with a laugh.

"Well I'm hungry so, TO SUBWAY!"


We arrive quickly and thankfully it's dead since it is 10 o'clock in the morning. I go for a spicy italian on italian (always a fun order to say) with cucumber and pepper as well as loads of tomato sauce. I don't hear what Matt orders but no doubt it's gluten free. We take our sandwiches to the car and start to munch on them. I can't wait. 

"Ok, so what shall we do now? We still have an hour," I ask when we have finished our sandwiches.

"I'm not sure, we could just go back or..." Matt's voice seems to trail off in my head as I look out the window and see something. Or more like someone.

"Hold that thought Matt," I say jumping out the car and running towards the figure.

"DANNNNNN!!" I shout jumping on his back and laughing. He puts me down before hugging me.

"Mel, I did not expect to see you here. How you doing?"

"I'm good, I've missed you, you know since I'm grounded and tired all the time anyway."

"Well then how have you even got out, I thought Harry had you on strict lockdown."

"Matt Willis." I say gesturing to Matt as he jumps out the car to come and say hello. Dan nods.

"Mel, quick question, who's this?" Matt asks me.

"This is Dan Howell, Carrie's friend," I say and the two shake hands. 

"I loved Busted," Dan says awkwardly. Why am I not surprised?

"Thanks," Matt says, just as awkward. Since when was I the least awkward one?

"Well, um, oh Dan are you coming on Saturday?" I ask suddenly remembering what I wanted to ask him.

"Oh yeah, I definatly am. Mind if I bring some friends?"

"No not at all, Carrie is bringing Pete and Gary I think but I am sure we can squeeze a couple more."

"Does your dad know yet?" 

"He hasn't got a clue," Matt says suddenly more comfertable with the situation, "nor has the rest of them, it's going to be brilliant!" 

"I think so! Is it just me who knows?" Dan responds.

"You, Carrie and Emma. That's it." I say.

"Well anyway, I better be off," Dan smiles, "I will probably see you Saturday, I doubt anytime before then. It was nice meeting you Matt," 

"You too pal," Matt says and they shake hands again, and Matt makes his way back to the car. I hug Dan and he kisses my head. I think I just melted. My insides are now permanatly goo.

"See you Saturday Mel," he says with a wink and he walks off, his backpack bouncing on his shoulders.

I clamber back into the car and fasten my seat belt before Matt drives off.

"Well he seems nice, I don't know what Harry's problem is," Matt chuckles.

"Erm, I dunno, maybe the fact that he has never met him and thinks I am spending every waking hour with him. Or the fact I haven't actually told him."

"So are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?" Matt teases in a girly voice. I'm glad it's Matt I'm having this conversation with. He will always be the first one I go to with this kind of stuff.

"No. We've been on about 4 dates to Starbucks but that's it. Actually make that three since Danny Jones crashing one doesn't paticularly count."

"Well fair enough then Junior. Now we better get going, Saturday is only 3 days away." 




Hope you enjoyed that.

You know how last time I said, omg 10,000 reads? Now this story has over 14,000! I can't quite believe it!

Anyway, In a couple of days I am going to be posting the character interview chapter so if you have any futher questions for any of the characters (so far only Mel and Harry have been asked) please comment them below!

See you next time!

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