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Here we are! The character interviews as a celebration of 10K reads! I shall now hand over to Mel, Harry and co.


Q: Is it weird that your Dad is EXTREMELY HOT? (Georgina1324065013)

A: Hm. What a great question to start with. I personally don't think he is but after all he is my dad. I suppose he does go to the gym a lot and has thousands of girls fawning over him. There must be something. I personally don't see it, but others (including Dougie) clearly do, and it is a bit weird having people coming up to you saying "your Dad is so good looking!" But I've kind of got used to it.

Q: What are you really hiding from your Dad? (TheAnnoymousOne)

A: I can't tell you that! What if you go tell him? I can't risk that. He, you and the rest will find out very soon so please just wait and see. Plus if I did tell you then Matt would kill me and it wouldn't happen. And we don't want that do we.

Q: Why do you feel that you can't talk to your Dad about your boyfriend? (mcbusted234)

A: I dunno. It's early days with Dan currently and I don't want to rush into telling Harry if nothing is going to come from it. I know I can talk to him if I want to and he will understand but he clearly isn't in the best mood with me currently. And I'm worried it will lead to him finding out other stuff. That's why I've only told Matt.

Q: If Dougie asked you out, would you say yes? (mcbustedmooch)

A: Ew no! He's my uncle, several years older than me and just... just ew! Plus, don't tell anyone but I think he has a little crush on Carrie. Or James. Or Harry. Yep James or Harry.


Q: What do you think Melody is hiding from you? (TheAnnoymousOne)

A: I assume it's this Dan guy but honestly I don't know. I hope she can trust me and tell me soon, but until then I've got to keep guessing.

Q: Do you regret lashing out on Mel like you did? (TheAnnoymousOne)

A: I do and I don't. On one hand I tried to be a good dad and that's why I did it. You know, discipline and all that. But part of me does. She didn't really deserve it, but then again I don't know what she's up to so I can't really make a judgement.


Q: do you feel bad hiding something from Harry? (tbagmcfly_)

A: I suppose I've never really kept anything from him before since we are quite close but no not really. Ok maybe a little about lying and saying Mel wouldn't be let out of my house, but what has to be done has to be done. Plus it should be worth it, I hope.


There we go! Hope you enjoyed that as I really enjoyed answering the questions, maybe I will do it again sometime! And thank you to those who asked questions.
There should be a new chapter soon as I've already started it and I know where I want to go with it. I really like the next chapter, so far at least.
Anyway I best be off so see you guys later, and have a good Easter if you celebrate it!

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