"Ok, sure!" She practically threw her drink at Kaiden, who tried latching onto her arm instead. But she was already whisked away onto the floor just as the next song started and she didn't want to hear the jealous arguments she knew he'd be spewing.

"How are you enjoying tonight?" Jackson spoke loudly in her ear over the loud beat of the music.

"It's good," she nodded her head and swayed her hips in time to him.

"Your mate seems to share your enthusiasm," he laughed and spun her around.

"Totally," She giggled and rolled her eyes, wanting to put a certain Alpha out of her mind. "So...that blonde," she wiggled her eyebrows at a woman who she'd seen with Jackson on numerous occasions during the last couple days. "She your mate? You never mentioned you'd found her."

Jackson searched out the woman in question but shook his head with a chuckle. "Not mate. But close. If I never find my mate, I'll definitely be keeping Allison around for a while."

"Wow, that sounds....callous? So you're not flipping through girlfriends like pages of a magazine anymore?"

The rumble in Jackson's chest was just like she remembered. "I wasn't that bad, was I?"

"Worse actually, according to the tabloids."

"Never believe everything you read."

"That's what I keep telling Lexi," she mused with a shake of her head.

"You both keep up with my life? I'm flattered."

"Don't let it get to your head," she smacked his chest.

"But seriously, how is your Head Guard going? She was with your Beta, if I recall."

"Yep, and they're both good. Going strong," Chesca smiled wistfully.

"Give her my love, will you?"

"I think you owe her more than that," Chesca rolled her eyes.

"Ahh Ches, you still hung up on that one night?" Jackson held her hand and spun her around before pulling her close again.

"It was a night to remember, that's for sure," she raised an eyebrow at the tall Alpha in front of her, her fingers growing hot from his touch.

"For all the right reasons, I hope," he smirked.

"Of course," she bit her lip and chuckled, holding his gaze defiantly with a smirk playing on both their features.

They danced till the end of the song, sometimes talking, sometimes just smiling at each other or laughing at something crazy another dancer did. When the song changed to something slower, Jackson's expression changed and he regarded her intently.

"What?" She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear nervously.

"I was just remembering something else from that night—"

"Mind if I have this dance?"

Kaiden's deep voice startled her, and she turned. He was right beside them, his hand gently on her back, a dark glint in his eyes. His disposition seemed opposite to the playful Alpha who slipped his hands from around her waist.

Kaiden and Jackson were like two thunderheads in winter and summer, and she dreaded the storm they would create if she were to get between them and cause them to butt heads.

Jackson gracefully bowed away. "He's all yours," he whispered to her with a wink.

When Chesca faced her mate again, his eyes were on her and his hands gently found their way to her hips. Instinctively, her own arms reached up around his neck.
"I thought you'd never ask," she whispered, knowing he'd hear even over the loud song.

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