"Look around you," She laughed, causing the blade to cut deeper into her chest, "you're living a fantasy because you chose to ignore the real problems in this world, and your own. We all need change. That change is The Reckoning, and it will never be stopped."

I wanted to fire back, to tell her that nothing was inevitable and that with her gone, no one was left to fulfil her destiny. But with her next cough, she began to violently seize; her body shaking against the dagger, tearing her chest to pieces. Her mouth foamed, blood spat from her lips and then she was still.

Ly's haunting words were lost to me as I felt a surge of power suddenly reboot my system. Beneath my fingers, my stomach began to heal. I launched to my feet and welcomed the gold light back into my body, the poison finally wearing worn off.

"Beast!" My power unfurled and lashed out, expanding over the entire shadow empire as I searched for my Gryphon. Below my feet, something pulsed. "Beast! Beast are you okay?"

"Lyra?" A weak voice answered my call and an image entered my mind. Wherever he was, it was dark and he was restrained, but he was safe.

I stumbled, catching myself on the armrest of the throne. I nearly fainted in relief. Quickly, I poured what was left of my power into his energy, healing the bruising from the restraints and restoring his energy.

"Just sit tight. We are going to be alright."I opened my mind and felt Beast use my eyes to stare at my doppelgängers body.

"Oh, oh my! Oh my—" The elder suddenly barged into the room, the same door he had used before wide open, his hand drawn to cover his mouth.

"No need to pretend anymore, Blake. She's no longer able to order you to care." I spoke softly, watching the blood pool grow on the black floor. It was like watching lava flow down the mountains of Hawaii; beautiful yet destructive.

It seemed to suddenly dawn on him that this outcome may mean his death. Crumbling to his knees, he bowed at my feet, head pressed firmly against the floor.

"Forgive me, my lady, my quee—"

"Enough." I cut him off and gestured to the necklace still wrapped around Ly's neck. "You will tell me what my sister's blood stone was intended for and how to restore the portals. I wish to return home."

"My queen—"

"I am not your queen."

"Lyra..." He stuttered and clumsily rose to his feet, "The gem was spelled to capture your essence once you were killed. It draws in power and allows the wearer to access it."

"So," I reached down and tugged hard at the cord. It did not break at first, but as soon as I pushed my power into the threads the material snapped and the stone came free, "It now holds The Umbra's powers?"

"Yes. When you wear it, you shall have power over both Planes." He answered swiftly.

I gently stroked a droplet of blood from the stone and examined it. It looked the same as it had when my sister first gave it to me, only this time the red layers seemed to move.

"You will show me how to use it to reopen the portals, then when we are all safe I want to destroy it."

"But it's too powerful, we can't just destroy it!"

"I do not want to hear it, Blake! You will find a way to destroy it! I do not want this power!"

In a fit of anger, I threw the stone onto the ground. As soon as it touched the ground, a violence force threw me backwards and I crashed heavily onto the ground. A bright red light emulated from the tone, forcing me to cover my eyes as it continued to brighten. I coughed, Blake groaned next to me, also thrown back by the explosion, and attempted to stand. The light from the stone pulsed once, twice, and then disappeared. Once again, the stone was just a stone.

"What was that?" I ground my teeth to keep myself from screaming.

"I told you, Lyra. It is too powerful. Now it has The Umbra's power, it cannot be destroyed. You have no choice but to wear it."

I closed my eyes and took three deep breaths to calm myself. Now was not the time to discuss such matters.

"Where is Alvar and Beast?" Although it was a question, I demanded an answer.

"Beast is being held by the wolf Noir, in the basement. I assume by now they have recognised they are not a threat to one another. Alvar and Lucius are being held by the wraiths in the top floor. The order of their deaths has not yet been passed. I will inform them immediately to bring them down and have the people gather outside."

I flicked a hair out of my eyes, pretending to be unbothered by this information. In truth, my heart finally had steadied hearing Alvar was safe, as was Lucius. I already knew Beast was okay, the warmth in my belly told me we were still tethered to one another. But that did not explain a new sensation I had begun to feel, an itch in my brain like someone was trying to enter it.

"The wolf, what is to become of it? Shouldn't it be dead?" I guested to its master's body.

"No, no neither the wolf nor the Gryphon would have died from the events of today. You and... Ly's souls are cut from the same cloth, so the wolf is now yours."

"Interesting," I paused, mulling it over in my head, "And it will do as I say, protect me, and always think of my best interests? It wont try to kill me and regain it's former master?"

"No, he will never try to kill you. Now Ly is dead, your death truly means his own demise. The bond you form may become just as strong as your tie to the Gryphon."

I chewed the inside of my cheek and suddenly realised what the itching sensation was.

"Beast? Do I let him in?" I called to him gently, knowing he was exhausted.

"I don't think we have a choice, really. But if he ever tries to hurt you, I won't hesitate to kill."

Drawing in a heavy breath, I let the walls to my mind come down just enough to open a door. With the subtly of a dying fish, the wolf came bundling through that door and ran around my memories. While he explored, I allowed myself to absorb his presence and his own memories. While he was loyal, and should have stayed loyal to one owner, he seemed to accept me as his new alpha.

"Welcome, Noir," I called gently through our bond, "you're stay will be how ever long your loyalty and love stretches. I hope for your sake that is forever."

The wolf opened his mind and sent me an image; his head was bowed, neck barred in a display of his submission. Satisfied that the threat had resonated, I allowed a wave of affection to pass over him; a show that with his loyalty he would not suffer, or ever be alone.

"I'd like you to retrieve the others now," I opened my eyes and turned back to Ly's staked body, "and gather the people. We will burn her body outside."

Blake nodded and quickly retreated.

"Blake?" I called, stopping him before he exited the room, "If you ever betray me, I'll put you in this stone." I paused, licking my front teeth with my tongue, "Don't you ever betray me."

Although I could not see him, I felt his low bow as he left the room. After he found the others, we were going home.






Hey guys, sorry this updates a day late!

Im on my uni break now so I can and will crack out some more consistent updates and maybe even do a few double updates :)

This was a really hard scene to write because I'm still getting used to the idea of action sequences. I admire anyone who can write a fight scene really well because this took me three days just to write the 500 word fight section XD It's still not as good as i want it to be, but I hope it conveyed everything that it needed to.

What do you guys think is going to happen next?

Did you like Lyra's other half, or are you glad to see her gone?

Comment your thoughts!

Vote if you enjoyed :)

xx Charli 


((above is my favourite electric mix))

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