Wedding Day

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Y/N smile as saw herself in her wedding dress. It have been two months since Peter asked her to marry him. It was a small wedding in the Avengers Headquarters. Drax and Mantis's daughter who is 4 year old is the flower girl.

Howard who 3 will be the ring bearer. "Yo  nerd, you're ready?", said her maid of honor MJ said. Y/N turned around and smile. "Yeah ", she said.

~With Peter
Peter look out the window with a smile. "Yo Web-head it's time ", said Peter's student Sam with short brunette locks and tan skin. "Call me that again, and you will have the worst training session once I get back from my honeymoon", Peter said as he fix his tie. "Sorry and congratulations", he said.

Everything was decorated for their wedding. Peter stand at front of the isle with Cap officiating the wedding. Ned was his best man. Howard gave Peter the ring. Mantis and Drax's daughter Solar came down and throw down (f/c) roses.

Y/N came down with Quill. He gave her to Peter. "Take care of her or I hunt you down like a dog", he said. Peter nodded. "Hello everyone", Captain said.

"We are here today to celebrate the bonding of Peter Parker and Y/N Quill. These two have amazing hearts and both great people. Now for the vows", Steve said.

"Y/N you have always make me feel amazing and happy. I love everything about you. You're country side and alien side", Peter said as a few people laugh. "I will be strong as long as I have you", he said. She smiled at him.

"Peter from the moment I met you, you were someone special to me. You save me again and again. Both as Peter Parker and Spiderman. You are my hero and my best friend", she said. "I pronounce you man and wife", Steve said as they slip on their rings.

"You may now kiss the bride", he said. Peter dip her, which a few wolf howls, then kiss her.

The Guardians's Angel ( Peter Parker x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora