Save by the Spiderman

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Y/N tutoring with about 3 hours ago. She is currently in her room finishing her english paper. Her wings were killing her.  She sat and sign. "That it", she said.

She went to her windows and open it. She looks down and saw she was on the 4th floor. She climb out and stand on the ledge. She unfolds her wings. She jumped down and flow up.

She flow up and touch the clouds. She drove down and was a few inches away from the ocean. She gently touch the water. She have a soft smile. She flow up and landed in a alley.

Up on the one of the building was the friendly neighborhood Spiderman. "Karen is that a angel?", he asked his AI. "No that is a alien that look like a angel. They are called Deltas  ", she said. Peter gasp.

"Y/N", he said.  Down with Y/N a net was through on her.  She started struggling. A man in his early 30s came out. "A real angel is going to make me profit ", he said.

Spiderman swing down and shot him to wall. "Come on Spiderman. It's a angel!", he shouted. Peter web his mouth. He pulled the net off of her.

He helped her up. She looks at him in fear. "Don't worried. I promise to keep her secret ", he said. She hug him which caught him by surprise.

He hug her back and his cheek heat up behind his mask. "Thanks", she whispers. "Of course ", he said. She flow up and went home. Peter stare  up at her. "Beautiful ", he said.

~In her room
She sat down and look at her necklace since have it at birth. *Peter. Spiderman. You have a weird effect on me*, she thought.

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