Two Stones and One Shadow

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"I don't like that shirt." I told Phoenix, sitting up on the bed I couldn't help but admire his body as he took off the shirt I didn't like. It's only recent that he started letting me pick what he wears, ever since I told him that Nathaniel would always let me pick out his clothes as long as he chose the color. Phoenix went above and beyond by letting me pick anything, in the end it turned out to be too much work, and I just told him I tell him if I like something or don't like it.

He held up a different shirt to see if I would like it, a graphic tee that said 'Pleasure is my business'. I shook my head and gave him a pointed look to which he responded with a laugh. "You don't like the shirt, baby?" Phoenix jokingly asked. I growled at him, "Okay, I'll pick something else." He put back that shirt and went rummaging for another one. The next one he picked out was suitable, it was a plain shirt. I think Phoenix was humoring me by picking out ridiculous outfits before putting on a normal outfit. It was his way of entertaining me.

I looked at the time, "You should start heading out, you'll be late to school if you don't." I swung my feet off the bed and leaned forward resting my elbows on my knees, my head in between my hands.

Phoenix gave me a smile that warmed my stomach, "I could stay with you today." He squatted down in front me and put his hand in my hair.

A lazy smile appeared on my lips, "I grow tired of you, school is the only reprieve I receive from your intolerable presence." My words were contrary to my actions, as my head rested on his hand.

His lips twitched, "Of course Astrid. Remember today is Friday and you have a whole weekend to tolerate me. Except for Sunday dinner at my parents' home." Phoenix placed a quick kiss on my lips before getting up and leaving. With the click of the front door being locked, I threw myself back into the mattress and stared up at the ceiling. How long has it been since I've gone outside?

My sensitive ears picked up the door being unlocked, which was strange because Phoenix should be in school at this time. Swinging my legs off the bed, I got up to go see what he wanted. A scent that wasn't his hit me, and soon the door to his room was opened. I growled lowly, my eyes narrowing at the intruder who was female. Her eyes widened when she noticed me standing near the doorway, she had familiar brown eyes but all that mattered was that she was not Phoenix which meant she wasn't supposed to be here.

"Wait! Don't attack, I'm Alice. Phoenix's sister." She held her hands up in defense and looked at me pleadingly, my eyes narrowed at her, "Phoenix never mentioned a sister." I said slowly, watching her reaction.

The look of fear was replaced by annoyance, "He didn't mention you either." She replied snidely, I growled at her moving closer to her, a look of distress crossed her features, "I've been noticing that he's been acting weirdly lately, he doesn't normally live here, and he hasn't been letting people visit as often. I was wondering what he was hiding in here because I managed to catch your scent on him quite a few times, your scent sticks on him from how long you've been with him. I'm guessing you've been here a while from the way you're looking at me."

I stepped back from her, surprised that she noticed my scent. I didn't show my surprise on my face, I rarely showed my true emotions. "So why have you come here without him? Why not ask him why he was behaving so strangely?" I asked her, I knew the answer. Phoenix wasn't going to tell anyone about me for a long time, he wanted everything to die down before exposing us because he thinks that my pack won't be mad after a while. How naïve he is.

"I tried, I kept pestering him about his behavior, his decision to permanently move in here, and even about the curious scent that was on him, but he wouldn't answer them, or he would be vague about it. I have a spare key to this apartment and I decided to investigate on my own, to be completely honest I didn't expect to find you here. When I say you, I mean Astrid Shadows, I was maybe expecting a random girl not the future Luna of Shadow Light pack." Alice was breathless as she finished her explanation, her eyes were wide in disbelief.

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