Chapter Two:

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Hollie looks at me as we walk out the front door and down the path heading towards her car "Sooo" She smiles "Am I driving?" she asks

"Since you drove your car all the way over here, and I woke up like, 30 minutes ago, it seems like the logical idea" I laugh, as she clicks the button on her key to unlock the car. I open my door and get in, watching as she walks around the car. As Hollie gets in and starts the car, I hear my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Hollie looks over at me with a smile on her face "That your booooyfriend" she laughs

"That's hard, seeing as I'm forever alone remember? It's probably just my mother wanting me to get something for her" I laugh, grabbing my phone out of my pocket and unlocking it. I drag down the notification menu and look, the only notification is a kik message from some random. Kyle. With a smiley emoji after his name. I open it and read it

Kyle: Hey there beautiful. I hope you don't mind that I messaged you, I found your username on tumblr, and I messaged you. So Hey.

A smile spreads across my face, as I feel Hollies eyes boring into the side of my face "Who is it?" she asks "Because you could never be that happy about a text from your mum" she laughs, as I turn to face her. 

"It's nobody, just a guy.. On kik. I mean, he's probably a total weirdo, I'll reply to him later" I say

"Oooooooooh" Hollie says, giggling "Sammy has a boooyfriend"

"You're pathetic" I laugh, clicking the lock button on the top of my phone and putting it back into my pocket. 

*TWO HOURS LATER* (Because who can be bothered writing a shopping trip. Lets be honest)

As we walk out of the mall and back to Hollies car, my arms full of bags of clothes Hollie told me that I 'just had to have' I feel my phone vibrate again. I sigh, as Hollie unlocks the car and we throw out bags in the back, and climb in the front. I grab my phone out of my pocket and unlock it. It's another message from the same guy.

Kyle: I guess you don't wanna talk to me :(

I bite my lip, giggling slightly, before typing back.

Me: Sorry, I was shopping with my best friend. 

I lock my phone and put it back in my pocket, as Hollie looks over at me "You okay?" she asks

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" I ask

"You're all red" she replies

"Oh, it was probably from all the shopping" I reply "My makeup is probably all off" I laugh, as Hollie starts the car and pulls out of the park

"Mhmm" Hollie smirks "I know you too well Sam. Was it that guy again?"

I sigh, leaning back in the seat "Why do you instantly presume I'm happy because of a guy?" I ask

"Because this is a kind of happy I've never seen before on you. What's his name?"

"Kyyyyle" I smile "With a little smiley emoji after his name"

"Well, what did this Kyle Smiley Emoji say that made you so happy?" Hollie asks

"He called me beautiful" I giggle

"I call you beautiful almost everyday" Hollie laughs

"Yeah, but you're my best friend, that's your job. He's a boy who doesn't even know me, so it's sweet" I reply

"Right.." Hollie replies, as she turns a corner heading towards my house "So, do you wanna have a sleepover tonight?" she asks

"Sure, my place or yours?" I ask

"Yours. Please. My little sister is having a slumber party with like 12 fourteen year olds. It's going to be hell" she replies

"Sure, I'll just text Mum, I'm sure she'll be fine with it" I laugh.

I pull my phone out of my pocket to text Mum, when I see a kik notification from Kyle.

Kyle: All good, buy anything nice?

Me: Yeah, a few dresses, new makeup, a couple of tops, skirts, shorts. A bikini.

Kyle: You bought makeup?! I don't believe it!

Kyle: You don't need makeup. You are beautiful as you are.

Kyle: I'm sure you look beautiful in all the clothes you bought.

Me: You're a suckup.

Kyle: No babe, I'm honest.

I laugh and close the message, and type out a message to Mum

Me: Hey Mum, Hollie's staying tonight, that cool?

I lock my phone and put it back in my pocket as Hollie looks at me "So, did your Mum say yes?" she asks

"I dunno. I just sent the text"

"You had your phone out for like 5 minutes, who were you texting the rest of the time?" she asks

"Kyyyle" I giggle

"Oh Mr Smiley Emoji" she laughs "And how is he?"

"He's gooood" I smile

"I've never seen you like this before, what the hell happened. I'm meant to be the one who falls for boys and gets all lovey and stuff, not you. You're meant to be the one who stops me being an idiot" Hollie says 

"I'm not lovey. I just met the guy" I reply

"Whatever you say." Hollie smirks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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