Chapter One:

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I woke up that morning to the familiar sound of my best friends voice, "Sam!" she says, jumping on the side of my bed that I wasn't lying on and lies down 

"Guess what today iiiis" she smiles, as I rub my eyes and sit up.

"I don't know Hollie, what is today?" I reply, yawning.

"Guess" she giggles.

"I dunno, your birthday?" I reply.

"You know when my birthday is silly, guess again" she laughs.

"I don't know Hollie, it's early, I'm not even properly awake, you tell me" I sigh.

"It's officially the first day of our summer vacation, and you know what that means?" she says.

"That you're going to go home and leave me to sleep in?" I ask, the sound of hope in my voice.

"No, don't be stupid. It's not even that early. It means that we have to go shopping" She replies.

"Can't I go back to sleep for like, ten minutes?" I beg.

"That's not going to happen" she smiles "But I will go back downstairs so you can get dressed" she says.

I sigh, as she rolls off the edge on my bed, landing on her feet and runs out the door. I grab my phone off the side of my bed and check my facebook, nothing new, a couple of girls from school bitching about their asshole boyfriends, a few family members posting about their summer plans, and of course those sickly sweet couples who write all over each others timelines with cute, vomit enducing messages.

I put my phone down, pull my blankets back, and put my feet into my slippers that are sitting on the floor beside my bed. I make the journey across my room to my closet, picking out an outfit for the day, a flowery tank top, and a off white, cream colored high waisted skirt, and place them on my bed so I can go into the bathroom. I walk into the bathroom that is off my bedroom, joining my room to my sisters room, and look in the mirror. Luckily I straightened my hair yesterday, so it wasn't too hard to sort out, just running a brush through it and pinning bits back with clips, brushing my teeth, and doing my makeup. After I finish in the bathroom, I walk back into my room, and change into my outfit, grab a pair of shoes, a pair of sandals, and make my way down the stairs to see Hollie.

When I walk into the kitchen I see Hollie sitting at the table, having a conversation with my sister, when she sees me she gets up and smiles 

"Finally, I thought you were never coming down" she says dramatically.

"I took ten minutes, twenty tops" I laugh.

"Well to me it seemed like an hour at least" she replies.

"So are you ready to go?" I ask her, grabbing my bag off the counter.

"I've been ready since I got here" She smiles

"Well lets get outta here" I reply, looking over at my sister "See ya later Mads" I smile.

"See ya" she replies "I'm outta here myself pretty soon, as soon as Josh turns up"

"Okay, well, I'll see you tonight then" I reply, as Hollie grabs my arm and drags me towards the door 

"Goodbye Maddy" Hollie says, as we walk out the door.

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