1: Truth and Lies

Start from the beginning

And the crowd went wild again. I swear I heard someone crying and shouting a dramatic "OMG!".

"Tee, do you go with Tae at the gym?"

"Krub. We go to the gym together a lot."


He goes there by himself. I have not had a glimpse of his abs since day 1.

"Tae, please tell us what Tee is like behind the camera? Is he a casanova too like Beam?"

"Aaaah, he likes playing around a lot, yes."

"That's not true!" I countered.

"He's not really a casanova, but he's really friendly. If you knew someone for the first time, chances are, Tee probably knows that person too." Tae said.

"He annoys us a lot!" P'Kim shouted on this end.

"He steals our food!" Bas said.


"Yes, he annoys us a lot. He's a champion at teasing just like Beam. P'Janean just don't know what to do with him." P'Tae said.

We all laughed while I playfully punched his arm.

"Get back at him, Tee! Tell me more about Nong Tae. What's he like behind the camera?"

I can feel all eyes on me before I answered.

"He usually takes care of us. He doesn't really talk much, but he gives us snacks from time to time."


"Ah yes, I follow both of you on IG. On your IG story yesterday, I saw you eating 2 packs of lunch, and a bag of snacks. Was that from Nong Tae?"

"The bag of snacks was from P'Tae krub."

It's from our sponsors.

The crowd 'aaaawhed' and P'Tae covered his face shyly.

"He doesn't give me snacks!" P'Kim said while pointing at him.

"He only gives snacks to P'Tee!" Copter added.

"That's because he likes to eat a lot!" P'Tae shouted at them and we all laughed.

"You like to fatten him, P." Bas said.

"Who are you calling fat?" I asked and the crowd laughed again.

On our side, where the crowd wouldn't see, P'Janean gave both of us a thumbs up sign. It means we delivered the fan service part well. The host went back to interviewing Godt and Bas.

Truth be told, I like P'Tae. He really does take care of us, especially N'Bas. Everyone has a soft spot for that kid, seriously. When we first learned of our roles, P'Janean made us do some activities together so we could be at ease when doing our scenes.

During the first season, it was me, Copter and Godt who spent a lot of time together, since we were supposed to be best friends. I admit I really like their company. Copter is fun to tease. Godt is a bit quiet and serious, but like Pha, he is the mediator when we both get childish.

Now, when they planned to make season 2, P'Janean ordered me and P'Tae to spend our time together a lot. Actually, filming won't start until next year, and all of us have our own busy schedules, so it's possible that it will be pushed back to who knows when.

Before the whole interview ended, we were asked to stand up and have a picture with our fans. All of us turned our backs, got our smartphones and posed. Bas and Godt were at the middle, their heads almost bumped each other just to be together in one frame. Beside me, Copter was taking pictures of his side of fans. P'Kim was doing the same on the other side.

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