Chapter Twenty Two: Reassurances

Start from the beginning

"You told me once about your nastier side, is that it?" And just like that his smile vanished, a frown etching his face. "No, and thats not something youll get to see."

"Why not?"

"Because I know for a fact that if you see who I really am, if you lay eyes on my devil face, youll run screaming into the hills." I frowned, my hand reaching up to cup his face again. "You know I wouldnt do that," I murmured. He gave me a wry grin, shaking his head. "Its not something Im willing to risk, love." I wasnt going to push him, purely because I knew doing so would only make him upset. Instead I vowed to wait until another day, there would be time later for arguing. Instead, I switched to another thought. "So what Rhian told me is true? You grant favors for people?" This had him amused and he nodded. "Of course, except contrary to popular belief Im not after souls. I usually just wait to collect until a later date. Call it a devilish-I-owe-you type of deal." I raised my brows. "And people actually go for that?"

"Of course, love, they all do." That devilish grin of his was conniving and delighted all at once. A deal like that could be deadly and to think people actually went for it stunned me. "So, Maze really is a demon then?"

"Of course, she followed me here from hell. Her role in hell was the master of torture and my sworn bodyguard."

"Bodyguard?" I frowned. If I remember correctly, Maze looked to be about a hundred pounds soaking wet. Lucifer chuckled, "Looks can be deceiving. Its her job to protect me at all costs." Hmm, I thought. That was interesting, Lucifer had his own protection. That thought put me at ease slightly. That meant I wouldnt have to worry about him as much as I would have otherwise. With this psycho on the loose who knows what he or she was capable of. I was about to fire off another question when there was a knock on my door. Lucifer and my heads turned in sync just as Ella peeked in. When she met our gazes she smiled and rushed in. "Oh, my god!" She rushed over, throwing her arms around me. I winced slightly, but the pain meds kept the worst of the pain at bay. "Miss Lopez!" Lucifer interjected, his tone causing Ella to jump and pull back. "Shit, Lorelai I am so sorry! Decker told me what happened, are you okay!?"

"Im fine," I nodded, clasping my hands together. "I probably look worse than I feel." Ella frowned eyeing the bruises on my neck. "I swear, we are gonna find this sicko. How did they even know how to find you?"

"My best guess is theyve been watching me," I shrugged. I tried not to shiver at the thought of someone watching me, choosing to focus on the fact that now that they had already attacked, we would be ready if they tried again. "Thats insane," she shook her head. She glanced over her shoulder at Lucifer "and you need to keep a better eye on your lady friend, mister." Lucifer frowned and my heart went out to him. It wasnt his fault, not in the slightest and I just hoped he didnt blame himself.

Ella hung around a little longer, filling the silence with cheery chit chat. I liked her, she lifted my spirits and made me smile. She left though when a nurse came in to check my vitals. "Well, your scans came back clean and your vitals are strong, looks like we can discharge you tonight."

"Really?" I asked, hopefully. She nodded, letting me know she would be back with the papers. "Thats great news, love." I turned to Lucifer, smiling slightly. "Theres just one problem," problem? I thought. Other than the obvious, a killer after me or Lucifer, I couldnt see one. "Your living situation." He clarified. I frowned, I lived with Jade and couldnt see the problem with that. "I dont think its safe for you to go back to your dorm. I was thinking you could, temporarily of course, move in with me?" My jaw dropped slightly, move in with Lucifer? I didnt know what to think. He watched me carefully, his unease clear even though he was smirking as per usual. My eyes wandered over him, how long would it take to catch this guy? A week? A month? A year? My heart fluttered at being with Lucifer for that long but I cut those emotions down. This wasnt about feelings, this was about practicality...wasnt it?

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