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Daniel was flabbergasted at the sudden appearance of Jay, his hair disheveled dressed in the comfort of his pajamas, his body still slick from the shower with glistening hair moist with left over droplets.

After Jay and Daniels date they decided to watch a movie afterwards that Daniel of course had wanted to watch a horror movie much to Jay's constant refusal, despite it not being that scary Daniel had been a bit jumpy at sudden noises and it seemed that Jay was no exception.

Even with the small giggles at the horrible decisions during the movie, Daniel was scared, he couldn't understand his love for horror movies despite them scaring him shitless afterwards.

Are you okay? Jay looked a little disturbed and curious at Daniels weird actions as he held a palm over his pacing heart, almost like trying to keep the pumping heart in his chest. His eyes were closed after the small sqeal he made, his face pale white.

"Ah you scared me" Daniel whispered more to himself and Jay looked at him as he wiped down the water from his moist shoulder blade, the only coverage he had was the slightly wet black boxers with a bare chest and bare legs, his usual attire for bed.

Daniel opened his eyes as he saw Jay toss his red towl into the hamper, making his way to the light switch to turn it off. Daniel slotted his book worm book mark into his current read and places it on the nightstand, snuggling under the grey comforter that welcomed him with warm arms.

Daniel felt the Bed curve, his eyes still closed as he felt the strong arm of Jay wrap around his waist, making him let out a hum as he let himself be pulled into Jay's embrace, the manly scent of Jay made him almost lull off into sleep, until Jay kissed his forehead making Daniel softly smile.

"Are you tired?" Jay whispered softly making Daniel shift back to look at Jay, "No, are you?" Daniel replied Back, his hand on his lovers waist. Jay pulled him into the crook of his neck, hugging the back of his head with his hand ad they both relaxed into each other.

"Not really" Daniel nodded.

"Probably because we slept in today" Jay hummed, "We really have horrible sleeping habits"

"Yeah we do" Daniel chuckled.

They were in a still silence, just warm in each other's embrace and safety. "Are you still scared from the movie?" Daniel hugged Jay tighter,

"Thanks for reminding me" Daniel mumbled, paranoid as he snuggled himself deeper into the crook of Jay's neck who just laughed, pulling him closer to the point where their chests met.

Jay kissed the skin below Daniels ear causing him to let out a shy giggle at the strange feeling of Jay's lips on the tender skin. "I love you" Jay whispered against his skin as he trailed his lips down his neck making Daniel sqeeze his shoulder, making more room for Jay to access.

"I-i love you too" Daniel breathes out, letting out rough breaths as Jay kisses his flushed skin. Jay knew Daniel loved it when he kissed his neck.

"I wish we had more time to go on dates like today" Jay mumbled against his skin, his hand placing itself on Daniels shoulder, making him lie back as he turned his upper body onto Daniels, gaining more access to his shoulder and collar bone.

"Mmhm" Daniel hummed as he brought his hands up to sqeeze the sides of Jay's arms that flexed beneath his palm, Daniel let out little Huff's and whimpers as Jay licked his way down from his Adams Apple to the dip of his collar bone, sucking on the milky skin.

Daniel Knew what Jay meant, due to Jay's overtaking of his father's companies he became extremely busy to the point he was making constant night shifts and private jets to foreign countries causing a decreasing amount of time they could just relax and go on dates, and it's not like Daniels Job wasn't easy either as a Marine biologist.

Heat | JanielTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon