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Daniel has been to Jays house more than a few times, always admiring the rich Modern fashion that was seen through the White furniture and blank white walls with occasional paintings of artists mostly unknown to Daniel. The cool atmosphere made Daniel chilly as no warmth or attachment could easily be found except in a few photos on Jays nightstand of his him and his sister, seemingly to be somewhere bright and natural with the background showed a outspread of a forest.

It seemed to be a earlier photo of when Jay in hMiddle school years.

The only other warmth in the house seemed to be Jay, but with such a cold feeling that stayed around that pent house it seemed hard to live in without the order of loneliness always lurking behind every corner. The place seemed to be temporary like a hotel room or such, rather than a place where you could feel comfortable in.

Daniel wasn't always comfortable at his home but it was enough, he created his own home in that small one bedroom shack, he wasn't one to be picky where he lived.

But he can't help but feel Jays home seemed to be more worse than his own, in a emotional way you could say.

It just had no , Feeling.

Blank walls and High end brands seemed to loiter the place, making it mor empty than anything else.

Yet Daniel learned to Turn a blind eye to this by the Second time he visited, the cold atmosphere was diminishing by the Hyper pups that rana around without much care. Daniel could easily see Jay relax more when he adopted them, The warmth adapting in the Chilly Pent house.

As Daniel came more often to his house the more Jay seemed to smile, he liked being jays sense of happiness.

Even as a Male he grew more attached to Jay in a way he shouldn't, only to find out the feelings were returned to him ten times stronger and Daniel knee that he would be the fire for jay to get warm with.

He was going to be the one to make Jay feel Love.

Real love and Care.

Maybe the couldn't exactly Flaunt it with the way their Society worked and the way their unique love wasn't easily accepted, It was more than enough for them. Warm touches and kisses, Hands intertwined as they watched movies, staying up most of the night in bed cuddling as they talked about everything yet nothing at all.

Just Knowing their feelings were returned was more intimate than anything.

But in a sense they both craved, They had desires, they were both Men. They felt lust more they fell in love, The more they kissed the more they wanted to take it farther.

In a way they wanted to connect physically and Mentally.

They were both attracted to each other in both ways,  although inexperienced Daniel park was he knew Jay, who seemed to be experienced would show him a part of himself in a humiliating yet pleasing way.

He trusted his Lover, He loved him.

So one night as Daniel was staying over drinking a glass of water as they watched one of their favorite shows they were binge watching,  a Glass bowl of popcorn on their laps as Daniel layer his head down on Jays shoulder, hands winded together under the blanket.

He put his glass of water on the night stand.

He then put his head back onto jays shoulder, Biting his lip as the show continued. He couldn't find himself to stay calm, he was Nervous to be making the first move.

He was waiting for a right moment all night, just a moment he could get Jay into a passionate kiss and go farther than they usually go.

In a way Jay and Daniel were very shy as lovers, Chaste kisses were very common and gentle touches were a constant thing and Make outs happened often behind closed doors but they never made it farther than the lips, maybe a few kisses on the Jaw and neck but that was pretty much about it.

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