A/N sorry guys lol I'll stop.....NOT!

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I CAN'T believe this story is so popular! Thank you guys sooooo freaking much for so many reads!! You guys are the fucking bomb and I couldn't have gotten this far without you! I think this story is so popular because it's from a TV show but I honestly thought that....everyone would hate this book like so many of my others....I just never thought highly of my books....I guess I should now!

I wanted to make a sequel in fact I did but NO ONE so far has commented on it or read it. I think it has like 18 reads. I guess this one was better-WHICH I'M NOT COMPLAINING-but I would like some advice or, ideas, for the sequel that I...cough....haven't updated in.....cough.....months but ya know.....stuff....


I guess I just want to thank all of those who read my stories and love them. Aka just this one. But I'm so lucky that I found these two people to write about. Let's give a round of applause for Magnus and Alec!!
Cause without this TV series I wouldn't have written this book and I wouldn't be anywhere without them. 

You guys, gals, and non-binary pals! (Thomas freaking Sanders....love him wrote stories bout his peeps Logan and Patton.....everyone hated that so..) Don't even know how much I love and care for you and I hope you have successes and wonderous things happen in your life time!!

Ah, well, I best end this here before I ramble, too late.......

Night, Night!

-Sinned Me-

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