Chapter 6

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Magnus's POV

I sat with my eyes closed in the cell, praying that Alec be ok. I knew Maryse was crazy but I didn't know she was THIS crazy. I just prayed he'd find away out of everything. I got up and walked to the small window, hugging my arms close to my body. I may be the all powerful Warlock but I still get scared. I may be immortal but I still fear death. I may have closed my heart off for 100 years but that doesn't mean I can't love again. I thought all hope was lost. Then I heard someone coming down the stairs.

"Is it morning already?" I asked with sarcasm.

"Not even close." Alec. I turned around and ran to the bars on my cell. I saw his light brown eyes looking at me from behind the blanket of sadness. I grabbed the bars and he grabbed my hands and held them. "Magnus, I'm sorry I lied to you. I-" I put my finger up to his lips.

"You don't have to apologize. Am I still mad? A little." He sighed and looked down. I put my hand up to his cheek. "But my love for you, is stronger than any anger I could possibly have." He leaned into my hand and smiled.

"I will get you out of here Magnus. Even if it kills me." I slightly shook my head.

"Don't throw yourself into danger for me. Do what you need but I am 800 years old. Maybe it's my time Alec." He shook his head.

"No. Not even close. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I put my forehead on his and sighed.

"I will never look older. You will." His lips then met mine and I leaned into it. Once we broke he shook his head.

"I WILL fight for you. I want you to stand beside me on the altar." That made my eyes wide. "But not yet." We both chuckled. I nodded and he kissed me one last time. "I'll figure something out." Then he went back up the stairs. My heart beat faster whenever he was around, and I know his does too. I went back to the corner by the window, slid down the wall, and sat with my legs curled up to my chest. Alec will figure out something, I know he will.

I know he will.

Alec's POV

I was walking to my room when Izzy came up to me. She looked as if she had something she needed to tell me. Which was, all the time. "What is it Iz?" I asked and she shushed me.

"Do you really love him?" She asked looking around.

"Excuse me?" I asked and she snapped her head around to look at me.

"Magnus. Do you love Magnus." I nodded and she smiled. Jace appeared out of no where and smiled.

"Then we'll help you out." I smiled at them. "We'll help you bust out Magnus." I nodded and we formed a plan. They told me he'd steel the carriage and wait for me to run out. But they didn't tell me one specific detail.

"Get some rest Alec. Tomorrow is a big day." She winked and I nodded. I walked to my room and got out my outfit for tomorrow. It was a white tux with a blue undershirt with a black tie. I took a deep breath. It all ends tomorrow. I nodded and laid down on my bed.
If I had to be honest, I didn't sleep well. I was worried about everything. Lydia, my parents, Magnus. There was a knock on my door and in came my guards. They helped me get ready. They fixed my hair up and fixed my tux. My heart was beating out of my chest. Then they put a cap on me. It had the Shadowhunter's Rune on it. Black and red. I was being escorted out and walking down the halls now was a lot different than running down the halls with Jace and Izzy when we were kids. I was terrified. I hope this plan works. Once we got outside, I walked down the isle and next to one of the Brothers(Monks)who will be reading off the vows. As people began to fill in I saw Jace nod to Izzy and she walked back into the castle. Now we play the waiting game.

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