Chapter 7

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(A/N: To those who are reading my story- I am having so much fun writing not just for you guys but also for me. I'm getting to be a better writer to be an author one day. If this story was boring I can do a different on with Malec in it! But thanks to all of you! Have a wonderful day/night! Goodbye my friends!)

Alec's POV

It had been 2 years and things were finally working out. My mother realizing that Magnus isn't going away anytime soon, us building a home, and Making the castle an Institute for Shadowhunter's. Everything was great! Until on question kept popping up from people.

When are you and Magnus going to get Married?

That question made me feel sick. To be honest, I've never thought about it. I have thought me and Magnus to stay together for the rest of our lives. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that....the rest of my life....will only be a second of his. I will die and he will live on. And that kills me to think about. I don't want to imagine my life without Magnus. It'd  be hell!
I was sitting on the love seat in our living area, and I hadn't realized Magnus had come home from the market.

"Alec. Alec, love?" I shook my head and stood up to meet my boyfriend. "Are you ok?" He asked with complete concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said nodding.

"Alec, if theirs something bothering you, I hope you can trust me to tell." I put my hands around his waist and pulled him close.

"Of course I trust you Magnus. But I'm fine." He smiled and nodded. I kissed him and was about to help put everything away when he grabbed my hand.

"How about a bath? That always seemed to clear my head." I smiled at my amazing man. He always knew how to help me.

"That...sounds wonderful." I said but then gestured to the food. "But first we have to put these away." Then all of a sudden he snapped his fingers and everything was gone. I turned around to face him and he had a smirk on his face.

"Put what away?" I smirked back at him.

"Oh you cheeky-" I pulled him to where my lips fell on his while walking to the washroom. Once we got in there Magnus started running the water, I started taking our clothes off. Our tub was huge so we had room to move around. It was like a pool really. He got in first and sat back.

"Come on in. The water's fine." I smiled and got in. I leaned back and closed my eyes. Soon I felt Magnus lay on my chest.

"It feels nice," Feeling his head tilt up at me I continued. "Taking a bath and not having guards right out side your door." I felt him silently laugh.

"I bet." Opening my eyes, I found brown ones staring back at me. "What?" I asked him but he just shrugged still looking at me.

"Your beautiful." He said placing his hand on my cheek. I sat up and properly looked at him.

"So are you." He laughed a bit. My mind kept going back to my earlier thoughts. I had wanted true love, but what if true love had not wanted me. What I mean is, what if I dating Magnus is...fatal. I'll die no matter what, but what if....what if he could give up his powers....for me? I know he wouldn't do that, and I wouldn't ask him too. And it's a selfish thing to want. But what if he could? Would he?

"Penny for your thoughts," Magnus began. "You've been off into space for quite a while, are you sure you're alright Alexzander?" I sighed. He is someone I can trust. Just tell him.

"You did say I could tell you anything right?" He nodded while putting his hand on my shoulder, drawing circles with his thumb.

"Of course." He said with concerned eyes.

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