Chapter 2

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Magnus's POV

I hardly slept at all. Well not that I ever do anyways. I walked out into the common area(Living room)and proceeded to make myself a drink. I sat down and let out a breath. I was always so lonely, everyday I sit here just trying to drown out the world. Everyone hates me because I'm different. So what if I have magic does that....make me a beast? And on top of that, I let a complete stranger in my home just because he's cute. Well ok maybe not JUST because he's cute. He also had gotten hurt, and I felt bad for him. I know I may not have a chance but...why not try?
I get up and walk to my cubords, seeing I have nothing or hardly nothing, why not a trip to the market. Laying my head down on my arms, on the table, I let out a sigh. Can nothing go right for me? Just then I felt a hand on my back. I quickly stood up straight. Oh Jace.

"Oh it's just you." I said and let out a breath I had no idea I was holding.

"Well damn, thanks for that." He said smiling that adorable smile, which made me smile. There was quite the akward silence before I broke it.

"So Are you hungry?" I asked him and he nodded. "Well you're just gonna have to wait until we go shopping." I then turned around.

"We?" He asked and I closed my eyes then spun around with a fake smile.

"Sorry did I say we, I ment me-of course you don't want to go with me we only just met of course." I said taking one big sip of whiskey. I heard him laugh.

"I'd actually love to go with you Magnus." My heart actually skipped a beat.

"Really." I asked and turned to see him nod. "What about those questions you wanted to ask me?" I said setting my drink down.

"I can do that later. Right now I think we're both starving." I noded and WE both headed out. As we were walking, he did ask me some questions.

"How long have you lived here?" I thought for a bit. How long have I lived here?

"If I tell you, you're not going to want to stay." He smiled.

"Try me." I nodded with a smirk on my face.

"200 years." And right when that was said his eyes widened.

"R-really?" He asked. I nodded, chuckling. "How old does that make you?" I stopped in my tracts but only for a moment. "Sorry is that too personal. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"Jace, I am 800 years old." He stopped with me. "So I don't think your going to make anything uncomfortable." He turned to look at me.

"So you really are ancient." We both laughed at that.

"Yes I am."

"So what are you then?" My smile darkened.

"What do you think I am?" I asked as I handed him the basket and started picking out fruits and vegetables.

"Maybe a Warlock." My eyebrows went up. This kid isn't so bad at guessing. "We have-I mean I heard there are Warlocks in the castle." Now my brows furrowed.

"Really? How did you hear that?"

Alec's POV

My heart started racing. How could I lie to him even more? He calls me Jace when my name is Alec because I lied to him. I trust him. I don't know why, but I do.

"I have a friend who lives in the castle." His head nodded from side to side.

"Who?" He asked. I took a breath.

"His name is Alec." That's when he stopped. "You could say, we're like this." I said and crossed my fingers.

"You're friends with the Prince?" He asked with a raised brow. I nodded.

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