9. Who's Lovin' You

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Michael's Point Of View:

"Michael I love you of course I will marry you." Zyan says in the home video.

It was the day I propose to her we dated for a year and then I took her on a family trip to London and I propose to her in front of Buckingham Palace.

I had my bumbling head brother Randy record it and she started tearing up but was so happy.

I feel a tear fall down my face as I remember how just a few months after we found out she was pregnant with our Princess Nia.

I haven't seen my family in 11 days 16 hours 45 minutes and 35 seconds and each moment passing is crushing me.

"Yes she said Yes I love you Zyan you are my queen." I responded to her in the video.

She is my queen and I do love her with everything in me. I curse at myself for how badly I treated her. I just wanted to hold my baby girl and my queen in my arms again.

"Michael? Where are you?" I hear my mother call out to me but I don't respond I lay in bed curled up with Zyan robe downing my sorrows with Gin this time and watching our home movies.

I haven't had the house cleaned in a long time and honestly I can care less to how the house has gone to shit. Since my life has gone to shit why shouldn't everything else.

"Michael honey there you are." My mother says as Her and Janet come through my messy bedroom.

"What do y'all want? Just leave me alone..." I say taking another swig of the Gin.

"Michael Joseph Jackson give me that bottle this instant, now you can not keep on living like this you got yourself into this mess no one told you to cheat on your wife have you learn nothing?" My mother says snatching the Gin from me.

It didn't matter because as soon as they left I was going to drink again to numb the pain.

"Mother I didn't mean to break her heart honest I love her so much I just...ugh I screwed up and now she is never going to talk to me..." I say crying more not knowing how water still fall from my eyes as they are so dry and irritated.

"Applehead you need to get yourself together and go and win your wife back, talk to her and tell her everything you told us..." Janet says rubbing my back.

"She won't talk to me I fucked up and now I got to deal with it. So let me lie in the bed I made." I say as I look at the screen and it's our wedding day.

Zyan looked so beautiful in her wedding dress that I cried on the altar,

Zyan looked so beautiful in her wedding dress that I cried on the altar,

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*Zyan's Wedding Dress*

"Michael you can't sit around just looking at old home videos get cleaned up and go out and fight for your family." Janet said and I sigh. Maybe I should go out and fight for my family they were all I had and I don't know how much more I could go on like this.

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