7: Back to the Demon

Start from the beginning

"What happened?" you asked, running over.

"I... don't really know. It was another mutated character. I think it was one of the characters from the butcher gang," he said.

You slowly nodded. Now you had to deal with three more creatures out to kill you. Just great.

The three of you walked through the door and into yet another hall. Boris took the lead this time, leading you through a bunch of broken down walls. Soon, the three of you stepped out onto a balcony-like area. It overlooked a large room with what appeared to be a lift. As you walked over to the stairs, you saw two rooms with Bendy and Alice's faces on them. Bendy's had ink splotches all over it while Alice's just had an ink drawing of an angel over her face.

Boris led the two of you down some stairs and over to the lift. As the three of you got into the lift, a loud speaker turned on as Alice's voice echoed through it.

"Unfortunately, dear, I don't think I can let you down until this little girl gets off," she said.

"I-I don't wanna go," you mumbled, shuffling closer to Henry.

"Just hide in the Miracle Box, dear. The demon shouldn't find you there," Alice said. Her voice sounded way too cheery about you getting off. It was like she wanted you out of the picture.

Slowly, you stepped off the lift, turning and watching as the gates closed behind you. You gave Henry and Boris a small wave as you watched them descend. Once they were out of sight, you went over to the Miracle Box and stepped inside, closing the door. You sat down, not wanting to be seen through the little hole on the door. You'd just have to wait it out.


For what felt like the next few hours, Henry would routinely check up on you. Apparently. Alice was making him run errands for her. He would check up on you every time he got a new errand and after he completed it. He told you about Bendy and how if you weren't careful, he'd probably hear you. So, for the most part, you opted to stay inside the Miracle Box. You really didn't want to have to get caught by Bendy again and if he didn't look inside the Miracle Boxes, then you were safe.

Henry had just come back from getting his fourth task. He gently knocked on the door of the Miracle Box you were in, causing you to slowly open the door. He was almost completely covered in ink and scratches, making you worry.

"What's the task this time?" you asked.

"Destroying cutouts," he said.

"Can I help?" you asked.

Henry gave you a skeptical look. You were still limping from both your encounter with Bendy and falling out of the vent, you looked extremely tired, and you didn't have anything to defend yourself with.

"I can take the ones upstairs. It's not too far but it will give you one less place to look in," you reasoned.

"Fine. Just be careful," he said.

You nodded, darting up the stairs and through the room you originally came through. You made sure to inspect every room thoroughly, not wanting to miss any of the cutouts and get Henry in trouble. This was also a way for you to get on Alice's good side. Sure, you weren't too fond of this strange, warped Alice, but she was better than the creature that was supposed to be Bendy.

You darted around the halls, stopping between every Miracle Box and listening for Bendy. Between running from box to box, you would destroy as many cutouts as you could. Unfortunately, without anything to properly break them, you were taking longer than you would've liked.

I'm Not Her (Bendy x Reader) UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now