Happy Birthday pt.2

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Courtney's POV

I fell on the ground and ran around the room. And my family were trying to get out from the electrical prison that they were in.

Syndrome laughed and said "come don't fight it and come here" I ran went invisible.
He laughed, when I was about to punch him he grabbed my fist and I turned visible again.

"Come on or we do this the hard way" I froze him in place. But then some guards came and held me down. Syndrome made a sign that made them force me to go on my knees.

He kneeled down to my level and lifted my face. I flinched.
He then said "oh come you liked what happened that night" I spit in his face and said "I was 4 years old my parents were dying in the other room and you think I liked well let me tell you something Buddy I hate you " he was shocked at the name I called him.

He then made another sign to let go of me and to stand up. He then punched me in the stomach. And grabbed my hair.

When I fell across the room I got up and made a force field around myself.

He then said "if you dont stop I will hurt you "I didn't stop, he just looked over and the guard was sitting at a desk with a lot of controls and buttons. He pointed to him and shocked my family I quickly put my field down and said "okay okay you can stop then and dont hurt them " he stopped.

He then came over to me and grabbed my hair. And brought me into a different room and started to beat me up.

He punched,kicked, and slapped me I could here my family. " come on let's have some more fun " I shook violently against what he said.

He grabbed me but I crossed my arms in defense and the lightning  came out and pushed him to pass out.

I ran and found the room where my family was. And I came in the room and took out the guards with my powers that mom has and stretched my arms. I banged the guards heads together.

I then went over to the controls and let them down.

They ran up to me and mom said looking me over "honey are you okay, did he-" I shook my head and said "no I'm fine but we should go and leave " and we left and got syndrome.

When we got back to the city I summoned are cars.

I got on my bike and my family got in their car.

The police said to use before we left" you will need to testify so he can be executed " we nodded and left for home.

When we got home I went up stairs and cried. That was too close. On what happened today. I can't  right now.

I guess everyone heard me crying, because Dash came into my room....

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