Back story

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Courtney's POV

I'm a superhero.
It's weird right. I know it is.

After me and my parents were kidnapped, by syndrome, he tourchered us. He hurt my parents more for a reason I dont know what it was.

My power is I can copy any superpower. My superhero name is Mimic.

But anyway I was with my parents when syndrome's robots came to are house and took us. I was 4 at the time, barely had my powers, but I could form a basic forcefield.

Anyone I touch who has a superpower I can copy it.

We are friends with the Parrs,also known as The Incredibles. I had a button that if I would push it it would call, The Incredibles. So I pushed it.

My mom's superhero name was Ms.electric, and my dad's was Mr.Burn.

Mom had electricity powers, and dad had fire powers. It was great.

So the button would call them right, right. It would pine point are location so they could get us. I was friends with Violet and Dashiell. But they dont like their names so I would call them Vi and Dash.

My mom was screaming in pain. When ever she screams the lights flickered, I tried to put a forcefield around them so they would stop. But I couldn't, so they would scream.

Finally syndrome took me somewhere else. My mom and dad were getting weaker and weaker. Mom tried to scream for me but it didn't happen.

I was screaming because I was scared on what was going to happen. Syndrome took me to a different room and touched me I tried to put a force field around myself but I was to weak to fight.

So I tried at least, mean while mom was dying and dad was too. So while I wait for The Incredibles to get me, I was stuck with being touched by this sick man.

Dash's POV

We got a distress call from Courtney with some noise of screaming in the background. We quickly got dressed in are super suits.

And we were going to help them.
We were in the Incrediblebeile, dad was racing to get there so we could help. Mom said " wait we got another call from courtney's  mom this time" and she played it "Helen syndrome he has courtesy doing something to her, tell her if I dont make it out that we love her so much" and mom said to her self "you will make it out of here"

I was scared and so was Violet. We went faster.

Courtney's POV

He actually hurt me and It was not just assault it was rape. Now when I was younger I didn't  know what this word meant but I do now.

I'm not telling the details of what he did to me.

When he was rapping me, I was hoping that The Incredibles were close. I could see through the walls a little bit to see four faint figures coming into the building.

I then screamed really loud, as loud as I could do they could hear me, but syndrome took tape and covered my mouth he left me in the room.

Just then Dash and Vi came in I had a black eye and my nose was bleeding, I also had gashes, bruises,and cuts all over my face and body.

When they came in I could barely open my eyes and Vi said "Courtney wake up were here "she touched my shoulder and I flinched at the touch.

Dash said softly "Hey Courtney its us Vi and Dash "I weakly opened my eyes and faintly smiled and  Vi carefully took the tape off my mouth and said "Courtney can you walk " and I said weakly " I..don't.....know..." she nodded and carefully carried me and when I saw my mom and dad they were still there tied to the chairs and I said "" Vi held me close and Dash looked sad.

Just then syndrome's robots were all around and Vi gave me to dash, he held me close. Vi said "hey courtney want to help out a force field around us " I nodded weakly and Vi and I touched hands her force fields were purple and mine were maroon. When she touched my hand I  tried really hard and are force fields went together. And we were not holding hands and we were glowing Dash was too.

I then let go feeling better and I put my hands up to fight and I glared at them, and I screamed electricity  came out as I screamed and they all shut down. I then fell to the ground, Dash caught me and I smiled, then I passed out.

Vi's POV

We got Courtney. I was holding her when robots surrounded us I gave Courtney to Dash, and said to her " Hey Courtney do you want to help me put up a force field " she nodded as Dash held her she stood up a little.

I held her hand as me and her put up a force field my are purple, hers are maroon. She held my hand trying really hard to focus and she made a small one. She tried to make it bigger and it went halfway around us so we put are fields together it made us all glow, it was cool but weird.

When we let go she suddenly got up, and got in a stance but screamed. Electricity came out and I put a force field around me and Dash, the robots fell to the ground and so did Courtney.

I let Dash got he caught her. I saw her smile weakly and she passed out. The robots came back and I said "Dash grab her and jump" he did so and jumped.

As he jumped I put a force field around us I said "run Dash" he nodded and we left a hold in the wall when we got outside I dropped the field and Dash said "Vi what are we going to do " I said "put her in the car" he did and then we went back inside to go fight.

We destroyed all of the robots, we found Mom and Dad.

They were carrying Courtney's Parents out to the car.

When we got out there we brought them to the hospital.

Courtney was hooked up to machines. When we got in there she was asleep for a good hour.

She woke us up screaming, we quickly went over to her to calm her down. Mom tried to calm her down by saying "Courtney  hey it's okay it's just us we won't hurt you hey its okay"and she stopped and had tears in her eyes.

She then said "wheres Mommy and Daddy" mom looked pale and sighed she carefully said " they died just an hour ago I'm sorry " Courtney was crying and she had tears rolling down her face  and her head turned invisible. But I could still see that she was crying....

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