{7} Dinner Date Night

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"Because it's true, Spence." Peter replied and her cheeks turned red, with her hands now on her lap

Timothy, their waiter came back with their drinks and placed it on the table. "Are you guys ready to order?"

"Yeah sure, I'll get the French Toast with Bacon and Scrambled eggs." Peter told Timothy and Timothy was writing down the order

Isabella smiled and said, "And I'll get an order of the Belgium Waffles with a side of strawberries and white toast."

"Alright coming right up." Timothy smiled after he wrote down both of their orders and took their menus

Timothy walked away and Peter commented, "I remember that you're in love with strawberries."

"Yeah, obviously, Peter, it reminds me of a happy part of my childhood." Isabella told him then she sips on her milkshake

She moaned with delight, "Oh my god, this is so good!"

Peter chuckled and asked, "Hey, Bella, can I ask you something?"

"Is everything okay?" Isabella asked and Peter responded, "Yeah, I'm just curious about something. Promise me you won't get offended or upset."

Isabella's eyebrows furrowed, "Well, what is it, Parker?"

"It's just we've never talked about your parents, your family. Practically everything that happened before-"

"Before I met you?" Isabella asked and Peter nods his head, "I'm just curious, after all, we're best friends right?"

"Yeah, definitely. Well, do you want me to be honest or just flat out say my answer to your question?" Isabella asked him

Peter replied, "It's up to you. I don't wanna pressure you, Spence."

"Well, if you really want to know, my biological father has been trying to reach out to me lately. He's barely been in my life anyway, so he doesn't really exist to me." Isabella answered

"And your mom?" Peter questioned and Isabella sipped her milkshake, "She's alive but I only know her name. Uh, she left me when I was like really young. She's practically dead to me."

Peter slowly nods his head and started to change the subject as he saw how Isabella started acting quietly.

"So, Bella, how's your speech going so far?" Peter asked and Isabella replied, "That's why I'm here with you, Parker. I'm stressing out."

"Come on, it can't be that bad." Peter responded. "Your speeches are always so outgoing."

"Not this time, Parker. I honestly drifted in my speech. I went from talking about Homecoming to some deep shit." Isabella explained making Peter laugh

"Well, let me see it then, so I know what I'm working with." Peter told her and Isabella got out her phone and went to her notes

"You typed it on your phone?" Peter questioned and Isabella replied, "Yeah, it's called the 21st century, Parker."

Peter laughed sarcastically as Isabella handed over her phone to Peter so that he could read her Homecoming Speech.

Isabella sipped on her milkshake nervously and her eyes were watching Peter's as his eyes were moving left to right

"So...what do you think?" Isabella asked nervously. "It's bad isn't it?"

Peter quickly said, "No, Bella, this is actually really good. I was just thinking that if you have one direction, just focus on that."

"What do you wanna say as like your main focus?" Peter questioned and Isabella told him, "Honestly I don't know. I have to top each speech every time you know?"

Falling {Spider-Man: Homecoming}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum