Chapter One

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(Y/n) pov
I have a confession to make I have sinned it was all started when the human with the (s/c) attacked me I was weak I almost died so I made my last move and that human died with an easy attack like that I admit I killed them to protect myself is it okay to continue living I have no idea when the monsters found the human body I ran away and made another mistake there was a room near the ruins between the trees there's a door a secret door the writing on the door was old but I could read the first 5 words 'I forbid you from entering' why would someone write that EVERYONE have a curiosity you know anyhow I needed a place the monsters are looking for the monster who killed the human so I used my powers open the and entered the room was not bad not good stones shining instead of light books books books a fire place small kitchen more like an apartment than a room couch a bed.....'what's that?!' I touched a thing that was under the sheets and it was... a (p/t)!!! How cute!!! I wanna keep it well it's mine now who ever stays or stayed here have to deal with it i looks at the animal awww he snuggled for warmth "I'm gonna name you (p/n)!!" The pet nodded and snuggled closer I put the fire on and started to read whatever was in these books it was journal about a human and some medical book how to treat injuries and how to make a medicine outdoors it was exciting reading about humans and their bodies so I stayed for years and the monsters forgot that I ever existed so it was time for me to go out bring some wood for the fire and food I was walking suddenly pineapples! (XD JK JK LOL) suddenly a skeleton fall from no where and landed on me it looked like that short skeleton who lives with his tall brother but something was off about his skull was half broken! And his left eye is red and and!!! He has an axe "I'm s-sorry!!" I got up and ran but he teleported in front of me man that was crazy "hey where do you think you're goin' huh?" He asked more like ordering me to answer I backed away till my back hit the doors of the ruins "I-I.." I was sweating he was SO CLOSE a few inches away from my face!! "Are going to talk or I'll let you talk my way!" He raised his axe up I'm going to die is this the punishment I get for killing that human?! I didn't want to die!!! "Horror! You can't kill she knows nothing about the other universes leave her alone!" Same looking skeleton but with a huge brush I don't know did the skeletons ruled Snowdin or something? As 'horror gives me my space' that brush skeleton came "hello I'm ink sans nice to meet you!" He introduced himself and held his hand out for me to shake it I just stood there and stared at him I think it's rude to do so but in my situation it wasn't I grabbed his hand hesitated as I flip his and run to Snowdin only to see more of those sans like walking around some flying too! That time I knew I was screwed until ink teleported in front of me scaring poor old me as I scream and fall down "WHAT WHY WHEN WHERE WHY WHY?!!" I yelled looking at all of those sans as they circle around me "I'm sorry to scare you but we need a help as I said Im ink sans and you are?" He asked me put his hand out for me I looked down "I don't have a name leave me alone!" I spat my words at him as I stand by myself shaking from fear "it's okay there is nothing to fear" ink said I looked around and stared in ink eye sockets "if talking you want to do meet me alone at the waterfall in 10 minuets" I said as I walked away after ten minutes he appeared "I want to ask about a human" ink said 'does he knows about that human no he can't no one knows about it' I thought sweating "tell me more.." I said as he sat next to me "a human was killed here and his soul wasn't found" he told me as he was staring down at my thighs I held onto my sleeve to warm my hands I looked down "well...."

Hahaha heya FIGHT ME!! I'll just leave okay?! Eight hundred and five words yaaaa

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