"Great, you again." I muttered under my breath.

His eyes caught mine and he still had a blank look on his face.  Under the lights of the hall he was standing in, he was more clear to me now.  He wore a blue uniform and I saw a badge on it unlike earlier.  The gun was strapped on his heavy belt along with a few more things.  He held my file in his hand, his fingers against the folder showing he was wearing a gold band.  So he was married.  I wanted to chuckle from what I told him earlier but didn't when he opened the folder.

Studying his face, I concluded that that jerk did in fact write something interesting about me.  The cop, Luke, raised an eyebrow before he glanced back up at me for a moment.  Holding the folder with one hand, he scratched the top of his head with his other hand as he yawned.  I could tell he was tired by more than that though.  His eyes seemed somewhat droopy and I could tell that he wanted to get home considering it was getting late.  When I was escorted in, a lot of the cops walked out and left.  The halls and cells were empty except for a few people in the main office.  As of now, I could tell that he and I were the only ones in the long and bright hall.

Looking through the file for a minute more, he looked back up at me through the bars.  "Well, I will be talking with him tomorrow," he finally said, more so under his breath in a grumble. .

I dipped my eyebrows in confusion.  "Why?  Did he piss you off too?"

He sighed, ignoring that last part I said.  "Because apparently, he came to the conclusion that you are, in his words, 'a smartass insane bitch'."

I laughed as I looked at his worried and angry expression as he examined the other cop's statement along with the rest of my file.  Hearing me chuckle, I think I surprised him by that and he looked up at me, his expression unsure and worried still.  It kind of put me on edge, the fact that he was looking at me like that.  As if worried about me. 

"I couldn't agree more about the smartass part.  But I don't think you are insane, no matter what these papers or him said."

I scoffed.  "Then what am I, huh?"

"Like I said.  You're confused."

I rolled my eyes at that.  He said it earlier and I really wanted to know what he meant by that.  Because really, nobody said anything like that.  Everyone accepted I was a lost cause; I was insane and that was that.  Yet, he was the first that actually said he doesn't believe that.  Yeah right.  He was probably just trying to be nice.

"Confused is the last thing I am.  Don't bother.  You can sugarcoat it all you want, but it all comes down to one thing: insanity.  I'm not stupid like that other guy so you can't try to convince me you believe I am stable.  I set him off too easily I think.  I don't think he's been laid in a few months so that might explain his attitude - and maybe his stupidity too," I said, trying to drop it and distract him from one of the biggest issues of my life that he wanted to talk about.

His lips tilted up slightly at what I said as he looked through the folder, shuffling a few papers.  Yet, he saw through what I said with his next words.  "We can drop it then.  Might as well if we want to get these questions done," he said.

I internally groaned and was a little caught off guard.  He knew I didn't want to get into that.  He knew what I would think of him either way, knew that there was nothing that could be done if I didn't want to cooperate.  And I didn't want to, not when all he was trying to do was be nice.  He saw I didn't want to go there and respected that. 

Forgetting what he said or trying to, I asked, "What are the rest of the questions?  I hope they are not as pointless as the other ones.  Right now, my opinion of you cops are pretty low."

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