Chapter 2

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It is with my childhood friend. We have been friends since we were born, our mothers were school friends and so they ended up living next door to each other, meaning that I would grow up around him. Our mums would do everything together and so did we, we would bath together when we were small and we would ALWAYS play together, we were inseparable. We wouldn't let anyone get in our way or join in with our games, they were ours, we even went as far as making up our own language just so no one else could understand or listen in to what we were saying.

As the years went on we became more distant. He branched out, made new friends and moved on. Secondary school is when it really started, we were no longer in all of the same classes together and he made new friends in his classes. Of course it made me sad to see how well he was doing, how easy it was for him to replace me and find new friends, I was also quite jealous of it as I found it rather hard to make friends. For him it was a piece of cake, he was such a loud and outgoing guy, whereas I am a quiet and shy girl and socialising was hard for me, especially because over the years we isolated ourselves from everyone else and now that is all I know. I know nothing about how to make friends and to socialise as I never needed too, I have him. Had him...

He was beautiful. Tall with brown curly hair, these gleaming blue eyes that seemed to only see the good in the world and in everyone inhabiting it. He had a soft and gentle voice, one of those comforting voices you like to hear when you're upset, a voice that can cheer you up in an instant no matter how bad you were feeling. He has an amazing personality, he tries his hardest to look for the best in everyone and always helps everyone as much as he can no matter how small it helps. He most of the time wore ripped skinny jeans and some ironic tee-shirt to go with it, they were usually funny.

It all seemed to be passing me by so quickly, in an instant I went from being his whole world, his best friend, and only comrade to nothing but the girl next door. I don't understand how this happened. How did I become such a small part of his life so quickly? Am I that easy to replace? Did I mean that little to him?

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