7: War

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William, Lucy, Marvin, Tim, Abraham, and I started the food run. We were walking through a forest, you would expect to be some things. Yet its quiet, too quiet, so far nothing. There wasn't anything in miles.

"So, David, how old are you?" Abraham asked I gave him a surprised look.

"Well I mean, I asked, cause your so young in all," Abraham said trying to act casual.

"I turned 18 a month ago," I replied.
Its been three years since the outbreak. While I was knocked out in the school a whole year past by. That's how William was there so quickly. I and Wiliam spent a year on the road, then my birthday past by. After that, we meet the hidatsins and the burrows. After a few miles from the Burrow, we encountered a city.

"Alright people, this is a city, so there will be a lot of things out there," Abraham explained.

"So, there will be two teams of three. Tim, Lucy, and I will be team 1. David, Willam, and Marvin are in team 2." Abraham explained.
I was surprised to see Abraham being a really good leader. Team 1 went west while my team went east. We found ammo, food, and some guns. It was getting dark so we set toward where we started. Lucy and the others were already there. We encountered some things on the run. And some on the way back. On our way back we saw some smoke coming from the Burrows. We ran as fast as we could to the camp to see what happened. The burrows were being burnt to the ground. With a quick glance I saw Jose, then I knew it was the hidatsin who did this.

"Hidatsa!" I screamed in anger.
Marvin started to run in there but we stopped him before he could.

" You have to let me in! They're dying in there!" Screamed Marvin.

"No! If we let you in you'll die too!" Screamed Tim
I saw people crowded outside of the Burrows. I ran over there thinking it was Hidatsins. They weren't, they where Burrows, I told the rest of our group to come. Not all of Burrows died in the fire, but not all survived. The Hidatsins just started a war, a war that they can't win. I made a promise if the rest of the burrows won't help me, ill kill them all. Every single last one. Even if im all alone, ill do it. If they kill me, fine, let em.

" D-David, are you ok?" Asked William
I snapped out of my rage, I looked at William, he looked concerned. Then I looked around me, everyone was staring at me.

"Yea, im good," I said confused.
I must have done something without knowing, but what? Me, William, Lucy, Tim, Marvin, Abraham and the survivors of the fire, set off to find some shelter. I was still mad, planning the genocide of the Hidatsins. After a few days, we found a place. We stayed there for a whole week, then things started to notice we were there. We started to move again, after 3 settlements I stepped up and brought an idea to the table.

"The Hidatsins burnt our base to a crisp. Let's give them back the more fave." I said
Most of the people agreed with me.

"Are you sure they burn our base, It could've been someone else." Said a man of the survivor's

"If it wasn't them then why was Jose, the leader of Hidatsa, be there with a torch? I replied while showing them I picture of him in the scene.
I got the picture from an old timer camera that I got from the city. Everyone started to agree with me so soon enough we started a plan. Everyone was ready with guns, ammo, and armor. The next day we started the travel to Hidatsa. We arrived in a few hours. William shot the guard at the gate with a silenced pistol. At the front gate, I counted to three.

"1... 2... 3!" I screamed

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