1: Where it all started

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It's the year 2055, and Im only 15. I, David, live with my parents in an old house in Washington. There was the talk of North Korea bombing the US. I never believed in it, they told us that Korea was bombing us long ago, but they never did. Why will now be any different? So all I did was ignore it.
      I spend my life with not a care in the world, I was always calm and collected, but I couldn't say the same for my friend. Fred was not so "calm" about the situation, he says its really going to happen. Everyone at school thinks he's crazy, but I don't mind his crazy side. Fred told me he wasn't going to come to school that day. He said he was stocking up on supplies at his house. Apparently, his parents where paranoid like him, so they have a nuclear bomb shelter.
     That same day, the day Fred wasn't at school, there was a huge tremor. It felt like an earthquake. It was weird, we usually don't get earthquakes around here. At least I thought it was an earthquake, but then I looked outside the window. I quickly knew that wasn't an earthquake, it was an explosion.   

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