5: To The Gallows

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Two men from Hidatsa grabbed me and William.

"Let us go!" said William

"Sorry we don't take kindly to traders." said one of the people holding us.


He took us to the house for their boss. The boss, named Jose, put bags over our head.


"Don't act like you don't know what's happening!" screamed Jose

"WE SERIOUSLY DON'T KNOW!" screamed William

Jose stood us up, pushed and dragged us to someplace I couldn't see. We were dropped like if where we weren't alive. We sat there, for what feels like an eternity. Suddenly, all the fighting stopped. The attack was over. A couple of minutes later I heard footsteps. I hear the door opening, Jose came in.

"Stand up, both of you," demanded Jose
We stood up, Jose pushed us outside. I could tell because a little sunlight came through the bag. I could hear faint chanting in the distance. All of sudden we were climbing upstairs I felt the men put me up in restraints, I could tell that they were doing the same to William. I heard his grunts while the people put restraints on him. After a couple of seconds, I could hear Jose talk on a megaphone.

"These two men betrayed us!" screamed Jose.

"They led the Burrows here!"
This is crazy, we didn't lead the burrows here! We didn't even know they existed!

"You heard about them, now meet them!"
They pulled off our hoods, it was so bright I couldn't see. Right, when my eyes adjusted I could see how many people there were. There were so many people, I never knew there was that many people in the town. The road was wide, but still, there were so many people to fill it up. It was so loud with screams filled with anger. Then I thought, how did I get here. This wasn't supposed to happen. Two men came out with swords. Im guessing they are going decapitate us. This is now it, my final stand, to think I was going to die to a boomer. The men were getting ready to execute us, they put the swords up. The crowd chanting, "DIE! DIE! DIE!", then a gunshot fired.    

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