Chapter 6 | Our prize

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Here's a page I'm glad I made,
It's our child (c/n), she has your eyes, it's adorable. You said she had my smile but I'm not so sure about that haha~
I might love her more than I love you one day, watch out! Hehehe
She's the cutest thing I've ever seen, I hope I get to see her grow up into a smart capable woman !
She's our ultimate prize, maybe one day she'll get a sibling-
Your almost home from work and I have to check dinner, love you dearly!
Yours always,

Namjoon glanced at the cot, a sleeping 4 month child smiling as she dreamed, barely asleep from the crying she'd let out half an hour ago.

"Sleep well (c/n) we love you"Namjoon smiled sadly as he held the box, opening it slowly to see the shinning wedding ring he'd given to her to commit his love

His heart ached and yearned to see your smile again, hands shakily turning the last page to a shakily written note.

Word count: 173
Date written: 21-06-18

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