Orange Juice #2

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^school doodle^
Old Sport was on the floor laughing hysterically, at nothing.

"Dave, he's in heckin hyperspace."

"I can quite early see that, Phoney."
I gave him 500 grams of cocaine, of course he's fucking travelling through dimensions.

It was 5:30, half an hour from closing time.
"Dave... you're going to have to take him home with you."

"What?! I don't wanna do that!"
I'm lying. I'd love to take him home but Phoney wouldn't trust me if I jumped at the opportunity.

"You have to! I can't take care of him, I have a restaurant to worry about!"

I sighed in 'annoyance' and looked at Old Sport who was hugging himself.

"Ok, fine. I don't have a choice anyway."
Phoney stood up.

"Well, I'm going to clean up the animatronics. You go home with the orange guy."
You'd think that Phoney could at least remember his name considering we have been talking about him for the past 40 minutes.

Phoney left the dining area leaving me with Old Sport.

"Ok, Old Sport. Let's go."
He still looked like he was split between universes.

"Old Sport! It's time to go!" I sounded like a mother talking to their child. He sat up, still hugging himself.

"W̷̧̠̎͘ĥ̶̢e̸̮̻͆̀r̵̨͙̀̉e̵̖̻̐ are we going?"

"You're coming home with me."
Old sport jumped off the stage and walked over to me.

I walked to the exit but soon stopped when I saw Old Sport wasn't following me.

"Old Sport! Let's go!"
Nothing... he just stood there, staring into space.

I walked back over to him and took ahold of his hand, I figured it was the only way I could make him move.


We had only just started walking when began laughing again. I had to hold his hand tighter because he wasn't keeping a very good grip.

My house wasn't too far from the pizzeria but even then, it seemed to drag on forever.

We had gotten half way through the walk when I heard sobbing from beside me. I looked at Old Sport to see him crying.

"Woah, woah. You ok, Old Sport?"
I didn't even know he could cry.

"I-I... it's... I-I'm..."
He was crying so hard that he couldn't talk.
I sat down at a bench not to far from us, taking Old Sport with me.

I turned on the bench while still sitting down so I could see him.

"I-I'm... s-sca-... scared."
That's the first time I've heard him speak sanely today.

I tucked some of his hair behind his ear and lifted his head to see me.

"It's ok, Old Sport. You'll be ok."
He sniffles a little before gently giving me a hug.

I hugged him back and swayed gently to calm him down.
Eventually, a small whimper came from him and he sat up.

"You felling better?"
He nodded and wiped an old tear that had run down his face.

I felt bad for him but I was glad at the same time because this meant he was coming back around.

I stood up and took his hand again, he slowly stood. He looked like he may fall at any point, as if the smallest breeze could topple him over.

I got him to stand on the bench, he seemed a little confused but he was still too high to care.

He jumped onto my back and I carried him the rest of the way home.


"Alright, Sportsy. We're here." Thank god too. My back was hurting and my hips were getting numb.
I carefully let him go and he slumped the rest if the way down.

I turned to Old Sport, he head been pretty quiet after he cried.
"You ok, Old Sport."
He quickly jolted his head up and looked at me confused. He still looked worried.
Instead of speaking, he nodded in reply.

I unlocked the door and let Old Sport in first. I'm a gentleman, I know.

He took a while to realise what I was doing but he eventually stepped in. I didn't want to rush him.
I closed the door and locked it. Old Sport stood in the lounge, he seemed lost. Like he didn't know where he was going.

I knew it was a different home but most people would sit down or relax. Then again, he was still high.
I cautiously walked behind him and held his shoulders making him flinch.
Without saying anything, I directed him to the couch, sitting him down on one side while I sat on the other.

I decided to turn on the TV. After I placed the remote back on the table, I felt someone sit closer.
Of course, it was Old Sport.

I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off.

Wow, he spoke. I haven't heard him talk for a while.

"Yes, Old Sport?"
I felt a pair of arms wrap around my torso and a head rest on my chest.

What the heck was this cocaine doing to him?!
He'd never hug me on his own terms and it's happened twice today! Not that I'm complaining.

"I like you, Dave."
Alright, I know this kid is high beyond the forth dimension and anything he said was probably shit but...
I wanted to believe that he really meant that.

I wanted to hear him say that when he wasn't high.

I can't... I have to tell him. Even if he won't remember.

"Sportsy, I like you too... I think... I'm obsessed with you."
I expected the kid to ignore me or just continue mumbling but instead, he smiled at me.

I don't think I've ever been so serious in my life. This meant so much to me and to tell him now?
Something in me hurt. It hurt so bad. Like I had just been stabbed and was bleeding out yet no one seemed to care. So I just acted like I was fine.

I'm not. I'm not fine.

I wanted to scream, to tell him how I felt. I wanted it to be engraved into his head so he'd never forget it.
But, I couldn't.

Oh well...

I look to see the kid asleep. Good idea.
I closed my eyes and slept.

The kid should be better in the morning.

Wow... I don't think I quite built it up like I wanted to. I wanted Dave's sad thoughts to build up over time but hEY- that didn't happen.

DSaF: Oneshots (Dave/Old sport)Where stories live. Discover now