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okay wassup everybody

how long has it been? like two whole years?

damn im sorry im a piece of shit lmao

anyways if you remember the previous rants, which you probably dont considering its been two years, you know that ive had a lot of problems with stress, sports, my sister, my parents and blah blah blah.

yea so i kinda threw a bit of a tantrum.. no more softball, but their is track and field now which is actually pretty fun. im still just as stressed, but i take medicine now so i dont wanna kill myself every three seconds. my sisters still her bitchy self theirs nothing i can really do about that except stay away from her, which ive been doing my best to do. my parents are still assholes, my mom hasn't talked to me for days except to yell at me. My dad, ugh dont even get me started.

so in the two years ive been gone everything's pretty much went to shit and then came back around a bit. i have a boyfriend now, hes pretty great. Yeah his names Oliver, hes a trans male #pride cuz were both bi. I've taken up smoking which i know isn't good at all but at this point what the hell ever. 

-continuing this after literally a day-

so its summer already, ive quit softball, so basically ive got nothing to do except sleep. so my parents dont want me to sit alone all day in my room, so they want me to go make plans with some family friends (no friends of mine, their all fake assholes who only rat me out). of course i dont wanna go with them so i politely decline the invitation, and bring up an offer i got to go hang out with my boi. mom says no. so im just kinda sitting here like.. dUdE... wHat the shit??

at this point ive already plotted their murders... ive just kinda slowly gotten less n less sane.


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