Chapter Two- Attitudes

Start from the beginning

Michaelbjordan: I stay on my grind 😈🥊

Boxing is something I can talk about in my interview. I need some out of the box questions, something to catch him off guard but not too off guard.

"Ry, get off that man profile" John saying looking over my shoulder. Startled, my phone flew out of my hands. John quickly snatched my phone off the floor and started tapping away. Knowing he was on some dumbish I let him do what he was doing.

"Come on, you about to piss me off J, don't comment anything dumb, I gotta meet this man." I calmly holding my hand out. He was still tapping.

"Nah, I been got off his page. I'm on mine leaving comments cause you only like a brother pictures never comment."

"Cause you're not cute." Jenna's voice rings through the office. Laughing, I snatch my phone back out this nut head boys hands. Seeing that he was commenting heart eyes under his own photos, I smacked my lips.

105,007 likesJohnboyega: 📸 flixs by Ryan 🙌🏾Ryandestiny:😍👅👅

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Johnboyega: 📸 flixs by Ryan 🙌🏾

"Son... I know you didn't comment no tongue emojis." I squeal hitting his shoulder. "You're going to give fans the wrong ideas." Raising my eyebrows he shrugs with a small smile.

"Yeah relationship ideas, which I wouldn't be mad at y'all would be mad cute together." Jenna peeps out, I mean mug her and turn to John.

"So let them think we know what we got going on. I know that we're just friends. Now hush, and let's go get something to eat, Jenna you down?" John says with his mood suddenly changes. He really isn't the type to push emotions onto people. All the years I have known him he's been in only two relationships, and they both ended pretty badly. With him being cheated on he doesn't want to open up to anyone anymore. So maybe the thought of a relationship pissed him off.

"Nah you guys go ahead, I need to talk about new promotions especially with Instagram. I'll get one of my assistants to bring me lunch, so leave I need to get work done." Jenna says shooing us out of her office. Johns mood really went south because he didn't talk all the way to the restaurant. He still opened the door for me and pulled my chair out for me at the table.

"What's eating you?" I sigh staring at him with my head resting on my hands.

"You know relationship talk makes me uncomfortable."

"You started it not me so, I'm going to need to go fix that face before I fix it for you." I joke, he finally lets out a laugh which makes me feel a bit relieved.

"New topic, do you want me to help with the Michael interview?" He says flipping through the menu.

"No, I want to do this one alone, I need his full attention." Smirking I think about what his answers are going to be, and his reactions to sprites new flavor launches.

"He's probably going to be in a bad mood and I'm going to have to lay the smack down on to him."

"This is why you need prepping."

"I actually don't because I know how to handle myself, don't drool all over him." He saying rolling his eyes. We continue our conversation as the waitress walks up to our table.

"Hello my name is Lilly, I'll be your waitress today can I start you off with a drink, and do you know what you want to order?"

"Hello Lilly, uh we'll both have ice tea, but hers with extra lemon." John says placing the menu on the table.

"Can I have a Cesar salad and shrimp Alfredo." I say handing her the menu after she writes my request down.

"Yes ma'am, sir are you ready ?" She says tapping her notepad. John looks at me and I shrug.

"I'll have the same as her." Giving her the menu she raises an eyebrow.

"Are you two famous? I feel like I've seen you before." The girl nervously asks bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"Yeah something like that, we do brand sponsorships and promotions." John simply says while I nod in agreement.

"Yeah the Nike ads, wow after you guys eat can I take a picture? I know it unprofessional, but it's cool to see famous people."

"Yeah, but we don't want to get your in trouble." I trail off and she waves me off.

"It's okay my moms the manager, matter a fact this meal is on me." She says brightly and John shakes his head.

"Nah it's cool, I'll pay but we can take pictures." After John speaks the girl was suddenly called to the back to the kitchen.

"Your food should only take a few minutes. I'll be right back with your drinks."

That's chapter two 😭 next chapter should be a little spicer sorry it's starting off slow it'll get better I promise ✌🏽 catch y'all tomorrow

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That's chapter two 😭 next chapter should be a little spicer sorry it's starting off slow it'll get better I promise ✌🏽 catch y'all tomorrow

It all started with a drink (Michael B. Jordan)Where stories live. Discover now