The Shadow Men

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    So, there is honestly just so much I have to tell about this that I might make it a series. Tell me in the comments if you would like that!
This chapter will be more about my personal experiences in what I call shadows, and in the future I may go into detail about some other things about them. Enjoy!

**I will only be posting a next chapter when this one hits 20 votes!**

     I don't know when they began. But according to my parents I have seen them all my life. When I was small, I would cry to my mom about the "humpy thing", it would come when I was playing, most of the time when I tried sleeping.
But until I got older it always terrified me.
     It resembled a large hump, hence the name, and as you could guess it was a shadow. Not the kind of shadows you would see on the wall or on the floor from light, but instead would usually appear in the corner, moving sometimes. Watching. It was darker and it's like it's being, the shadow itself, was convulsing like the waves in a storm.
    Despite what you might think it never tried to hurt me. It usually just stood in the corner, I like to think it was observing. It always just made me feel scared until I gained age, when our relationship became more complex. It stopped showing up in the randomest of times and started showing up only when I was extremely upset, in the dead of night.
    When I was crying and laid my head down to go to sleep, sometimes it would appear. I could usually feel it's presence before I saw it, sometimes it being too dark to see so only my instincts told me it was there. After I got over the fear, it would make me feel calm. My nerves would leave along with the shadow.
    I started talking to my parents about this, along with other relatives. My mom told me that she believes it was my great grandmother, who died when I was only a baby. She had awful back problems.

     This is not the only spirit of the such I have encountered, and I am not the only one to have seen such shadow men. Let's just say I'm not lucky enough to have only encountered friendly ones. If you want to hear more, tell me in the comments, and hit the star to see a new chapter!

Horror; Facts and storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora