The Alien Friend

3.9K 122 17

This was a story I got from writingshy.
She said it was a very close friend that told her this story and that she knew he wasn't lying because he never jokes or talks about these types of things.
look at the top^ (the picture wouldn't
load if I put it in any other place)

For one, I've never really believed in aliens, but this may have made me restart. And then, he doesn't even know what they did to him. And that's just plain scary by itself. Not to mention he's not the only one who's described this exact same thing. Tentacles, shiny, the head and everything. But some weren't as lucky as others and do remember what happened to them and did have to go through what they put them through. This person was lucky.
Thank you bunches writingshy for sending in your story. Everyone go check her account out and her books!
Anyways, sorry guys for not posting in SUCH a long time. I've been super busy with summer and all and I've had phone problems. But, as I was gone, I've earned 31K!!!!! Thank you so much and make sure to share my story and to keep starring so I can get to 40k! Love you guys!

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