Chapter 4: The Ten Rookies

Start from the beginning

" There's no time Sasuke we have to register by three o'clock Sasuke that's less than half an hour." Sakura cut in.

" Relax this will all be over in five seconds." He is too confident in himself sometimes. He charged forward and they started fighting. Sasuke tried using his Sharingan, but Lee is using taijutsu not ninjutsu or genjutsu so his sharingan won't work. God Lee is fast. He kicked Sasuke into the air and started undoing the bandages on his arms. My eyes widened. This was the primary lotus jutsu! I used my teleportation jutsu and grabbed Sasuke then using it again to get to Naruto just as the bandages were pinned against the wall by something.

" All right that's enough Lee!" A turtle said coming out of nowhere. Oh crap that's Gai's summoning jutsu and I just used my dad's teleportation jutsu in front of Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, and Lee! All four of them and the turtle stared at me in astonishment. Gai appeared on the turtle and looked at me.

" You're almost as fast as the fourth hokage! How?" He asked, my eyes widening and I felt like face palming myself.

" I didn't know you were gonna be here uncle Gai..." I trailed off nervously when I realized another mistake I just made. I covered my mouth as everyone including Lee stared at me.

" Uncle?!?!" They all asked. Gai looked me over for a minute before realization dawned over him. 

" AYAME!!!" He shouted running over to me pulling me into a bone crushing hug, " It's been forever since I last seen you!" I put on a smile, but hoped I could just leave.

" Yea... Ummm don't you have a student to get on to?" I said hoping to get his attention off of me. He turned around and started getting onto Lee and they cried together. He watched us for a minute and Sakura freaked.

" He's looking at us!" She said and I sighed.

" So how is Kakashi-sensei? Do you know him?" Gai asked.

" Uncle Kakashi is fine." I answered. Wait. Oh shit this is the reason I avoided them!!!

" He's your uncle too?" Naruto asked. I facepalmed.

" He is my rival I have fifty wins and forty-nine losses which is one better then his." He appeared behind us and the others jumped. I swung my elbow back getting him in the stomach. He groaned in pain.

" If you didn't want that to happen you should have never of left your spot beside Lee." I said nonchalantly.

" How did he beat Kakashi?" Naruto asked surprised.

" The fact is, is that I'm stronger than Kakashi and faster," I scoffed knowing that wasn't the reason. He may be faster then Kakashi, but Kakashi is stronger and smarter. I sighed and then smirked.

" You say you're faster and stronger than Kakashi, right?" I asked. He nodded, " Then let's see who's faster between you and me." Before he could say anything else I threw my kunai that had my jutsu formula on it around the room. Might as well since my secrets already out. I teleported behind him throwing a kick to his back he caught my foot, but I counteracted it kicking him off of me and teleporting again. He looked everywhere as I kept teleporting. I felt someone grab my arm. I turned to see Sasuke.

" We don't have much time we need to go." I nodded and teleported to all of my kunai picking them up. Gai watched me closely.

" Lee accompany these fine ninja to the classroom. Farewell." He and the turtle poofed away. We made it to the classroom after signing in. Kakashi was standing outside of room 301. 

" What are you doing here Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto questioned.

" I came to see if you all came. If the whole squad wouldn't have came you wouldn't be allowed to participate in the exams. It's usually only supposed to be three man squads, but we're exceptional. Good luck!" We nodded and walked into the room. Naruto and Sakura looked around.

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