Part 40 [Book #1 Finale]

Start from the beginning

Yoongi blinked and quickly looked over at him. "No." He says sharply.

JM: "I don't believe you."

YG: "Then don't. That's your problem.."

JM: "Just tell me, Yoongi. I promise I won't say anything. already told me how you used to feel about Jungkook. If you still have feelings for him, then just admit it."

Yoongi sighed and leaned up against a nearby tree and crossed his arms. "'s true. Sort of.."

JM: "What do you mean 'sort of'?"

YG: "I do feel slight jealousy behind my happiness for them. It's feelings are conflicted...I thought it was just a stupid little crush, but, I guess I did really like him. Or do.."

Jimin looked down at the ground and rubbed the side of his arm; feeling a bit sad that Yoongi's feelings for Jungkook were obviously still there. But, he took a deep breath and looked back up at him; trying to mask his sadness. He replaced his hand back onto Yoongi's shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look. "I understand, because, believe me...I know. I hated the thought of seeing Jungkook having anything to do with Taehyung, or anybody really...but, I just finally had to tell myself that, as long as he's happy, I should be happy, too. Despite what I think."

Yoongi looked up from the ground towards Jimin, says," Geez...did you like Jungkook too..? "

JM: "Not like that. I know that, because of how protective I am over him, it may look that way. But it's not. It's just...I have always worried about him...because I know that relationships can be full of heartbreak, and...that's the last thing I want Jungkook to experience. Plus, I've always known Jungkook thinks of me as a really good friend, so...perhaps because of that, I have just taught myself not to fall for him in that way." Jimin's tone of voice grew quieter as he continued, "I mean...I thought I did at first. But, then I just forced those feelings to the side and stopped them from growing into anything serious."

YG: "Being able to just not fall for anyone...that takes willpower."

JM: "You should know by now that I am a pretty powerful person." He says through a chuckle.

YG: "Hmm. I wouldn't say powerful." He says, looking up while trying to think of words that best described Jimin. "More like stubborn...and sassy."

Jimin rubs the back of his neck, "Yeah...I guess I can be."

YG: "...mean...annoying..."

JM: "Yeah. I get it.."

YG: "Clingy-"

Jimin covered Yoongi's mouth. "I get it." He said sternly.

Yoongi pulled Jimin's hand off from his mouth, says, "But wait...I wasn't done."

Jimin turned away from him and crossed his arms. "You don't have to stand there and remind me of my flaws...just because I might seem like nothing bothers me, it does. I have feelings to, you know."

YG: "Those aren't flaws, Jimin..." He placed his hand on Jimin's shoulder. "It's just your personality."

JM: "Well, I'm sorry if you don't like it. But unfortunately I can't change how I's how I was born."

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