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We made our way to our seats and I looked around for Owen. I saw him running out of the tunnel and I waved at him smiling, 'Did you bring my suit gorgeous?' Owen asked hugging me tightly. 'Yeah I did, I'll get it during half time?' 'Sounds good. Hi grace' Owen said hugging his sister and then kissing me on my forehead. Soon Owen ran off back to training so me and Grace decided to get some drinks. We returned with two wines and we settled back down awaiting for the boys to return for the lining up.

I watched as the boys had their hands on their heart singing to the crowd- I smiled feeling immensely proud of my brother and Owen, I knew how much every game they played meant to them. I looked around the busily stadium; their was a sea of white, 'swing low sweet chariot' was roaring through the stands and i was surprised to see how many people were actually enjoying the atmosphere instead of watching through their phone screens. My eyes returned to Owen and once again i was sucked in by his blue eyes, I just wanted to run up and hug him- he looked really nervous and i knew he was starting to put the pressure on himself to try and get all the kicks.

*I'm going to make up the formation of the match*

The match was kicked off by Owen putting in a scruffy kick to the left. Italy handled the pressure well but the boy's were defending strongly- this made the game more pleasurable to watch- the boy's were constantly chasing down the ball and making sure they were attacking quickly if italy had the ball in hand or started showing strenght. italy were constantly being knocked back and looked like they were slowly losing moral before the first half had even really kicked off. After a few minutes I saw Antony Watson on the side line and immediately started shouting for the boy's to pass to him, you could tell he had potential and was also a good scorer. I watched as Ben Young's slipped him the ball and soon Watson was diving over the line. Everyone paused cheers as the angle was unclear and shortly it was confirmed to be accepted- straight away everyone jumped up and cheered on their boy's in white.

After a few minutes there was suddenly a loud scream and I looked over and it was Ben Young's clutching his knee in agony- immediately physio's rushed over and the game was paused. A few of the boy's went over to check on him and you could tell by their faces that it wasn't good and was going to be resulted in them losing a good member of their pact. They knew how much all of the matches meant to the fans. Everyone was clapping Ben as he come off the pitch 'this is why i love rugby, even though england has been brutal on italy- italy are showing respect for an amazing player' grace said taking another sip of wine.

shortly after ben was taken off still clutching tightly to his knee. Dylan threw the ball back into play and maro grabbed it confidently- he charged through the big defence line but just managed to sqeeuze though, jack was close behind and the boys started lining down- i looked for owen and saw enough there he was getting stuck in as always. i could tell just by thinking at him he was thinking about the possible ways they could score this try, he was determined and confident that england were going to win this match. even though i may be slightly bais england looked strong and determined to be the best they could be. it was now with mako and with everyone on the edge of there seats he dived though the defenders and placed the ball firmly making sure no mistake could be made. owen ran over to congratulate him and soon they were all crowded together making disicions for the next half an hour.

after recomposing himself he straightened his kicking tee and lined the ball, he stood for a second taking everything in and then after focusing on a point beyond the goal posts sailed the ball through.

once the match was restarted; the boys started lining back out along the field and composing themselves. i was fixed on owen- i loved seeing him play, he had a genuine love for this sport and he was a brilliant decision maker. He found the space before anyone had, his kicks were unpredictable and he was quick on the ball.

the score was now 20- 3 and it was close to half time so me and grace made our way down the steps and closer to the pitch side. eddie walked over to join us 'how do you think the game is going?' i asked. 'their doing well, i've only got a handful of notes for the next few training and i think the only complaint i have is that they need to be more strong handed with the ball- i've seen it nearly come loose a few times.' 'any update on ben' 'i dont think he will be returning this series'

'Hello princess' Owen said wrapping his hands around my waist from behind. I turned around and kissed him on the cheek. He pulled me down into the tunnel so we were away from all the people and pulled me into a tight hug. Picking me up with ease i wrapped my legs around his sweaty muddy torso. I laughed and looked at his beautiful eyes. A few of the boys walked past whistling and smirking. Owen laughed and told them all the piss off, he turned to face me 'well done babe. You look amazing out there' i kissed his cheek and he pouted, 'wh?' But before i could finish he kissed me deeply and tightened the grip me had. He was now smirking and since all the boys had gone into the changing room and eddie poked his head out 'come on owen' owen laughed kissed me one more time before putting me down and ran to join with the others. I could hear the cheers celebrating the win so far. Walking out of the tunnel grace was stood smiling. We returned to our seats and got ready for the second half. as owen ran back out he winked at me and waved. i smiled thinking back to the moment i realised i loved him.

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