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I was the first to wake up, Owen was peacefully sleeping- I leaned up onto my elbow my legs were hurting slightly which made me blush at how amazing last night was. He was so gentle and loving and it truly felt loving and amazing- being with Owen out everything into perspective about Ben. I felt along Owen's chest and feeling him breath in and out made me feel so relaxed.

A few minutes later and Owen slowly woke up 'Morning faz' I said stretching. 'Morning Jas' Owen said his morning voice making me melt. I cuddled up to him and leaned on his chest, Owen put his arms around me. There was a knock at the door- we pulled the covers up 'Come in' I said. Chloe walked in smiling. 'You two look snug, today's plan is this morning me and James are having pancakes- you two are welcome to have some. Jas I mistook your laptop for mine- god knows why but anyway adidas and topshop have emailed the topshop once sounded important and exciting- they both want another meeting with you to discuss work etc. Me and James are going to the gym for a session- again you two are welcome to join. Owen you and James have a pool session booked by Eddie. We then need to go shopping and get a few healthy snacks etc our flight is at 6/7.' 'Okay, we would love pancakes thank you, ok I will have a look- I would love to get a gym session in today.' I paused for a second thinking 'If we all do a session, I will arrange my meeting for when James and Owen have their pool and muscle strength session. You would be more than welcome to sit in on my meeting or I could drive us three home and we met you here.' Chloe leaned against the wall 'Right so if we all get up and dressed for the gym, have pancakes, can you double check your bags and bring them downstairs. We then go to the gym- all of us have our session, you have your meeting while the boys are busy- i could sit in your meeting for a bit and then if it does go on for a little i could do the shopping and sort the car out- your parents are meeting us there.' 'Okay sounds perfect.' I smiled looking at owen who nodded.

A few minutes after Chloe left Owen said 'How was last night?' while smirking 'Perfect babe- you were incredible.' I blushed and laid on top of owen kissing his chest. 'You were too' Owen said kissing me 'I legs already hurt' I said slowly sitting up. Owen smirked and went to get dressed. He was so naughty but i loved him. I opted for some black adidas leggings, Owen's training top that had FARRELL written large across the back and an all black matching adidas hoodie with some nike air max. Owen had gone for some black fleece joggers, a nike training top and a zip up england hoodie. We went downstairs and my stomach grumbled as the smell of pancakes hit me.

I'm sorry that this update was very good- it was first time writing anything like it. Please comment down below your opinions I'm hoping to improve in my writing. Thank you so much for voting I really appreciate it.

'Good morning Sis and Faz' James said chirpy. 'Morning bro- pancakes smell good.' I smiled and got some water and Owen went to sort his gym bag. I went into the living room and opened my laptop. The first email was from Adidas saying they would love to have a meeting to discuss the upcoming events. The second one was from topshop saying that as they work with a lot of brands, other brands have also showed an interest for example newlook, online for example shein and also ralph lauren. I screamed from excitement and owen came rushing in looking worried. 'What's wrong' Owen said sounding panicked. 'Oh sorry b nothing its just brands like newlook, shein and ralph lauren have shown an interest in me and they want a meeting with adidas again to see what can be done.' Owen came over and gave me a hug 'I'm so proud of you'

James p.o.v

I heard Jasmine scream and Owen and Chloe had gone to have a look. I looked back and Chloe was beckoning me over so I went over and Owen was kneeled in front of her giving her a cuddle and a kiss on the cheek 'I'm so proud of you' Owen said he was so sweet and I was glad to see them getting on so well. I gave Chloe a cuddle and she smiled. We walked back into the kitchen, not wanting to intrude  on Jasmine and Owen's moment. 'If that's not going to convince you then nothing will. I really think they love each other i've never seen Owen act like this same with Jasmine.' '' I know they love each other but it's my little sister and best friend.' 'She's you little sister who loves your best friend and there very happy together. Owen knows that one day Jasmine could wake up and it could all hit her at once but he's prepared and wants to love her no matter what happens.' I nodded knowing she was right 'You're completely right- are you excited for paris?' I said trying to change the subject Chloe nodded clapping her hands. I dished up the pancakes and shouted for Jasmine and Owen. They come in and added their fruit. We soon ate it all up and finished our smoothies. Jasmine then made shakes for everyone while me and Chloe went to change out of our pj's.

10 minutes later and we were all back downstairs. Our shakes were lined up 'Suitcase checks' Jasmine reminded everyone. We all went back upstairs.

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