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Jasmine p.o.v
Owen soon appeared and I jumped up and ran over to him. 'Is that my hoodie?' Owen laughed. 'Yeah I was cold and you wasn't around to ask. Do you want it back?' I asked. 'No babe you keep it on' he smiled and pulled me into a hug. 'Aww you too are so cute' my mum said smiling. 'Aww thanks mum' I smiled snuggling into Owen's chest. He felt so warm and I loved the way his arms wrapped around me comfortably and I felt so happy just being so close to him. 'How was your meeting?' Owen asked. 'Aww b, it was great. Adidas and topshop want me to do photoshoots, reviewing clothing and being involved in the meetings. I'm really excited about it and can't wait to see where I could go.' I said smiling while looking up to him, I felt so small standing next him. 'How was your meeting?' I asked, 'It was good, Eddie is really helpful. I need to focus on reducing my body fat and improving my speed. I need to try more angled shots during kicking practise.' he smiled. we walked over to the sofa and sat down.

After about an hour of sitting on the sofa- James and Chloe had already left- me and Owen decided to head to theirs. We left and got into the car, we turned on the radio and there was a comfortable silence between us. We arrived at their house and got out the car. Just before I knocked on the door Owen pulled me by the hand back towards him. 'What's going on? I asked confused. ''I just wanted to say that I love you Jasmine Haskell and I can't wait to make new exciting memories with me. When we get back from Paris would you like to move in with me.' Owen said going into his pocket and pulling out a sliver shining key. I thought about it for a second and nodded straight away. I took the key and hugged Owen. 'I can't wait to move in with you Faz. I love you so much and I can't believe how amazing the place i'm in at the moment. I love being with you, I have amazing friends and family and i'm starting a career. I feel so loved and independant.' I said smiling.

We walked in to the house and James was sat watching tv. 'Chloe's in the bath' James said glued in the tv. 'Ok bro me and Owen will take our bags upstairs and get settled. What are we doing for dinner' I said kicking off my shoes. 'Okay and Chloe mentioned going to the new restaurant down the road.' We went upstairs and started to unpack, me and Owen sat on the bed cuddled up and we put friends on.

Owen p.o.v

I joined Jasmine on the bed and we put the tv on. Jasmine was watching friends but I was distracted. I was shocked how quickly I fell in love with Jasmine. I feel like a teenager again, Jasmine is so beautiful and amazing and I completely and utterly love her. I get butterflies when I look at her and I smile all the time when i'm around her I can't help it she looks so cute. I looked down and Jasmine was asleep. She was gorgeous, there was a knock at the door 'Come in' 'Hey Faz, Jas asleep?' said James as two head's appeared around the corner of the door. 'Yeah don't think she slept well last night' I replied. 'We was wondering if you wanted to go to the restaurant tonight?' Chloe asked. 'Yeah ok 7 ok?' 'Yeah that's great it's 5:30 now' I replied. 'I better wake Jasmine up' I said. They went out and I gently shook Jasmine. 'Jas were going out for dinner' Jasmine slowly woke up, she stretched and then got up off the bed and went to pick an outfit, I got my shirt, jeans and denim jacket and got dressed. I restyled my hair and sat back on the bed all the while Jasmine was picking out a red jumpsuit, black heels and a black jacket. She sat down to reapply her makeup and I watched another of friends- poor Joey, if only Rachel knew he loved her I think they would be great together.

Once we were all finished we all went to the restaurant and if I'm being completely honest I just wanna spend the whole day with Jasmine and just talk with her. I've missed just spending time with her. We sat down at our table and it was lovely and spacious.

Jasmine p.o.v

Owen was looking hot today, I don't know what it is about him but he was gorgeous. We sat down and the conversation was on the next few weeks. Both the lad's were talking about rugby and I was talking to Chloe about youtube. 'I'm thinking about filming the video and making it a lot better than before- it is ok to film in the room.' 'Yeah course it is hun. I'm so excited for you, the meeting today sounded really good and you looked really happy about it. You and Owen seem to be in an amazing place' 'Yeah I am, i'm really motivated and productive about the future. I love Owen so much and i'm so glad I went for it and told him how i felt.' I smiled and Owen reached for my hand under the table. Chloe ordered some wine to the table and I decided to have some as well. The waiter came over with the menus and I poured some more wine 'Hey Chlo do you wanna go shopping tomorrow?' I asked excited.

Thank you so much for the votes- it means a lot, please keep voting. I want to include you guys some more so please comment below some ideas of what I could include for the Paris trip and how I could get them to Paris.

My saviour...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن