Chapter 15

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AN: I don't own HP


After Harry left, all the time travelers were sitting around in awe.

Finally Teddy broke the silence, "I wonder how they figured it out, I mean, tha must have taken a lot of effort, right?"

Everyone started talking again, coming up with crazy ideas on they would get back to their original times. Then there was an all too familiar thud! The dust cleared and in the middle of the sitting room at the Burrow stood Harry,Hermione, Bill, and George. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"What? Do I have two ears now or something?" George said, his face breaking into a huge grin. 

The kids all ran up to hug their parents/uncles/aunt. Even the Marauders went up and hugged Harry. Harry almost lost it when his dad hugged him and in his ear whispered, "You know, you have your mother's eyes."

Molly finally calmed everyone down so Harry and the newest time travelers could tell their story.

Hermione started, "So we were looking around and we saw this sand and a bunch or broken glass. I figured that it was from the time turner so Percy and I just kept trying to figure out how to manipulate it and make it so we can use it to our advantage. We cast some spells on it so now when you touch it, it will take you right back where it is told to go. I have some to go back to the future, and some to go back to the past. It is ready to go when you are!"

They all caught up, talking, and telling of their adventures. Finally it was time to go. First, the Marauders would leave to the past, then the kids would leave to the future. 

Sirius was the first one to leave. Before he touched the sand, he had a couple words with Harry, "Sorry that I couldn't be there for you when you needed me, but I'm glad you finished off the no-nosed bastard. I know that this  is probably a bit small for you now, but I want you to have this. Check the pockets." Sirius took off his leather jacket and handed it to Harry.

"Thank, Snuffles."

"Any time, Prongslet," Sirius replied, "Take care of yourself, you know you got a nice troublemaker on your hands," pointing to James Sirius, "Great name, too."

Harry shook his head, but smiled, "Hanging around you probably didn't help him too much. See you later Sirius."

"Bye then, love you, Harry," Sirius stuck his hand into the sand and disappeared into time.

Remus was next. "Hey Harry, this is going to be a stupid question, but why did you name Al like you did, you know after Severus, and not after...." he trailed off.

"And not after you?" Harry finished and Remus sheepishly nodded, "It's because I already had a kid with the name Remus." 

The old profesor looked up in shock, "What?"

"Edward Remus. Look, I would never, ever want to take away from you being Ted's dad, but I always thought of him as one of my own," Harry replied.

"It's true!" Teddy called from across the room, "One time James wouldn't talk to me for a week because Harry introduced us to someone as 'Ted, my oldest, and James.' He was so offended as him not being the oldest."

"I was 5! Of course I wanted to be the oldest!" James II rebutted.

"Makes sense now?" Harry asked Remus.

He nodded, "Thank you so much for taking care of him."

"What did you think I was going to do? Let him starve?" Harry asked and Remus laughed, "No really, he's such a good kid."

"That's all then, I best get back before Sirius tells some crazy story," Remus said, "Bye Harry see you soon, but not too soon! Love you Ted!"

Teddy gave his dad once last hug before he too disappeared.

At that point, Harry looked around, surprised that the only people left in the room were his parents, his kids, and Hermione, "Where did everyone else go?" He asked his sister.

"Well while you were saying your goodbyes to Remus and Sirius, George and Bill took the rest of the kids back, so you could have some space."

"Thanks, 'Mione."

"So, Har," his dad started, "You're the 'Savior of the Wizarding World?'"

"Yeah, I mean I wouldn't call myself a savior," Harry said, "All I did was use expellarmis, Riddlereally killed himself."

"You're too humble, Dad," Al spoke up, "Sure that's all you did, but no one else would walk to their death."

"You did what?" his mother was shocked."

"It was the only way," Harry said, "But look! I'm perfectly fine now! I'll tell you the whole story when we have the time."

"I think we'd better be getting back now, Lils," James put his arm around his future wife's shoulders, "I'm sorry, Harry that we wern't around when you were growing up.  But it looks like you found a great family of your own."

"Yes, remember, Harry, your father and I are so proud of you, and we love you more than words can describe," his mother said. For the first time, Harry looked straight into his mum's eyes. They really were the exact same as his.

"I love you so much and I miss you everyday. Thank you for everything, Mum, Dad," Harry was close to tears, "You guys are the best parents in the entire world."

Lily and James stuck their hands into the sand and disappeared. 

"Hey, 'Mi?" Harry asked Hermione, "Will they remember any of that?"

"No, one of the charms is anyone who is traveling back to the past will forget everything that they saw in the future. Sorry, Harry, I had to do it," Hermione explained.

"No, it's fine," Harry said, "Kids, why don't we head back. I'll finish up the charms here."

James II, Al, and Lily II all disappeared with Hermione. Harry took one quick glance around, put up some memory charms to have everyone here forget about their visitors. And in one touch of sand, he was flying through time.


AN: We are almost at the end! One more chapter!

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