Chapter 1

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AN: This is my first fanfic, so let's see how it goes! ( This is set right before Christmas holiday in ootp)

Disclaimer: Did you really think I was JKR?


Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley were sitting in the Gryffindor common room. Harry was struggling to finish a potions essay while Ginny was eating some chocolates that she got the house elves to bring her. All of a sudden, the couple heard a thump which came from what had sounded like both sides of the room. When the dust cleared, not one, but two sharp voices rang through the air.

"James Potter, I'm going to kill you!"

"Sheesh Lils, it wasn't me!"

"Guys, shut up! We have an audience."

Harry had stood up in shock. In front of him stood two identical black, messy haired, brown eyed teens, a boy who looked exactly like himself, minus the glasses and the scar, two red headed girls, one with green eyes who was much younger than the other, who had the same eyes as Ginny, a long haired boy, and one who looked strangely like a young Professor Lupin.

Harry was the first one to break the silence, "I'm sorry, but who are you?" 

"I might not be the smartest one," the long haired boy started, "but, I think introductions are in place."

"Er.... right. Um... I'll start, I guess?" Harry cleared his throat, "Well my name is Harry James Potter, and I'm kinda hoping you know who I am."

Potter? The strangers looked among themselves in confusion.

"That means it's my turn. My name's Ginny Weasley, and I'm a fourth year. And for all of you who didn't know, this is Harry Potter also known as the savior of the wizarding world, the boy who lived, the chosen one, you get the point. But, Potter Boy hates his fame."

"Ha, see the funny thing is my name's Potter, too," one of the black haired, brown eyed boys said.



"James, I'm kinda your sister, so we might just have the same last name," the youngest stranger told the one called, James.

"Seems like James Potters aren't al that smart," the oldest redhead said while everyone laughed in agreement, "My name's Lily, by the way. Lily Evans."

"Mum?" Harry questioned, "But you can't be!"

"Sorry, Harry. I don't even have a boyfriend," Lily apologized.

"Not yet, you don't. My name's James Potter. Oi Evans! Will you go out with me yet?" James added with a smirk.

"It's Evans, Potter!" Lily told James quite angrily.

"That works too. Evans-Potter has a nice ring to it," James said earning a slap from Lily.

"If you two have finished flirting, I believe that it's my turn," the long haired boy said, "Good. Well, my name's Sirius Black and I'm not so proud of it."

The quietest boy made his way to the front, "My name is Remus Lupin, and that's all that there is about me."

Harry and Ginny were still in shock. Harry was meeting his parents for the first time, as well as the marauders in their prime!

"Mum! Dad! It is you!" Harry shouted. He ran to embrace them.

"I can't marry him!" Lily shouted while James was having a party inside his head.

"Well, Evans, apparently you do!" said Sirius.

"When do we get together?" an over-excited James asked.

"End of seventh year," Harry explained and at this Sirius handed Remus some gold and silver coins.

"Lils, we're parents!"

"I guess we are," Lily said with a sigh.

"Gramps, you're not the only ones with that surprise today," the boy who looked like James said. He was the first to talk from the second group of strangers.

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